Author Archives: Jashandeep Kaur

“Unveiling the Power of Social Media in Education: A Summary of Learning”

I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone as I present my summary of learning, marking the culmination of EC&831 and my second ED tech class with Katia. Throughout this course, I have had the pleasure of exploring various aspects of technology integration in the classroom. The potential of social media for promoting collaboration, engagement, and knowledge sharing in educational settings has been a central focus of my learning. For creating my summary, I opted for Canva, a tool I became familiar with during my previous ED tech class with Katia, and I have shared the video on my YouTube channel. I would like to express my gratitude to Katia, Alec Couros, Alan Levine, and my classmates for their guidance, teaching, and valuable feedback, which have been instrumental in my growth.

Sit back and enjoy!

“Knots and Hoops: My Social Media Embroidery Adventure”

Each week brings new challenges and discoveries, and I was thrilled to take you along with me on this artistic endeavor. In the initial stages, I carefully selected a design that spoke to my heart and captured my imagination. The patterns and stitches I chose beautifully represent nature, featuring intricate floral motifs and delicate details. It encompasses both elegance and complexity, ensuring a rewarding and fulfilling experience as I bring it to life. 

Social media platforms such as Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube are the main tools to complete my project journey. Starting with a blank canvas and a palette of vibrant threads, I meticulously planned out the color scheme, envisioning the final piece in all its glory. I have spent countless hours meticulously stitching each stitch, immersing myself in the rhythmic dance of needle and thread. With each completed section, the design comes alive, revealing its true beauty and captivating me with its charm. 

The project which I started last week for my friend, finally I was able to finish it for him. So, here is the final look –


After completing that one, I started thinking about and exploring Pinterest and Instagram more and more. After a thorough search, I chose two Pinterest designs to work on. They are just figures, and I found them appealing to complete my embroidery journey. So, here is the first one –

The idea I took from Pinterest – 

My journey to complete the pattern –

And the final look, complete it with the help of Chain stitch, Back stitch, French knots and Lazy daisy. 

Throughout this journey, I have encountered moments of triumph and challenges that have pushed my skills to new heights. But every setback has been an opportunity for growth, a chance to refine my technique and embrace the imperfections that make handmade embroidery so special. It is a constant reminder of the value of patience, dedication, and persistence. 

Then I found an amazing pattern on Pinterest, universe head –

I made some amendments in the pattern while stitching it. And here is the final one –  


As I sat down each week to update you on my progress, I am filled with gratitude for the support and encouragement I have received.  Your kind words and constructive feedback have been invaluable sources of motivation, pushing me to go further and explore new creative avenues. 

I anticipated challenges that would test my skills and opportunities to experiment with different techniques. Each stitch was an expression of my creativity and love for this art form, a testament to the countless hours of dedication and the joy it brings me. 

Thank you for joining me with my enchanting journey to weave threads of imagination into splendid creations. 

Stitching Stories: From Pinterest Pins to Personal Creations

It’s been an eventful week in my embroidery corner, and I’m excited to share the latest developments in my ongoing project.

This week, I decided to challenge myself by exploring a new technique I’ve been eager to try – Highlighted embroidery on printed fabric. With a fresh set of vibrant threads and a vision in mind, I dove into the world of dimensional stitching. The added depth and texture it brings to the design are simply mesmerizing. For my embroidery project, I rely on Pinterest to get new ideas. I got this idea from this online platform and I also saw it on an Indian television show.

I became fascinated after seeing it on the television program and looked it up online. I originally looked for it on Instagram but was unable to locate the precise pattern I was seeking for. I then looked for it on Pinterest, and after doing extensive research, I discovered and selected this picture as my source of inspiration. Here is the link and the image I discovered on the platform.

I began working on my own project after discovering the specific pattern – Highlighted Embroidery. I started by choosing the threads that would best complement the pattern on the fabric, which should be visible on the printed fabric. adding images to show my own development –

I made this one with the help of French knots and Chain stitches.
I made this one with the help of French knots and Chain stitches.

Proceeding towards the next one, I was discussing with one of my friends about the project work I need to finish for one of my classes. He was interested in finding out more about it, so when I showed him my embroidery patterns, he became quite interested in what I had created. Then he asked me to make something for him, I had no idea at that time what to make for a guy. I started searching something for him on social media platforms and, then I saw a truck embroidery on Pinterest, as my friend is in trucking, I felt very happy that finally, I can create something for him. Now I have started working on it. The idea which I saw on Pinterest was –

I am working on it, I haven’t completed it yet. I have made the pattern and till now I have only done this much –

Behind the
This is how it looks like from the backside. For which we refer to using the phrase “BEHIND THE SCENCES”

I am making this on one of his hoodies. I’m hoping to finish it over the weekend and I am going to post the final look in the upcoming blog. Stay tuned!

Building Bridges: Open Education and the Global Community of Sharing

Changing the way knowledge is shared and accessed in the digital era is the goal of the transformative movement known as open education. It is based on the values of transparency, teamwork, and the conviction that everyone, regardless of financial class, location, or institutional affiliation, should have free access to education. Open education’s fundamental goal is to encourage the unrestricted sharing of educational resources, enabling an inclusive and equitable learning environment for students of all ages and backgrounds. Digital platforms and technologies like Open Education Consortium, OpenStax, Khan Academy, Coursera, MIT OpenCourseWare, Wikimedia Commons, and many more are frequently used in open education, exposing students to technology and fostering their development of digital literacy abilities.

Open educational resources (OER)are one of the main aspects of open education. During my search, I also came across Open educational resources in Canada, where various initiatives related to open educationopen educational resources (OER), open pedagogies (OEP), open educational practices (OEP), and open scholarship that are established nationally, and provincially across Canadian K-12 and higher education sectors, and where Canadian based initiatives extend to international collaborations. Textbooks, lecture notes, videos, interactive modules, and other content are all examples of publicly accessible and openly licensed products. OER lessen the need for pricey textbooks and exclusive materials by enabling students and teachers to access top-notch educational content without financial restrictions. Utilizing OER allows students to study a variety of topics, interact with a variety of viewpoints, and personalize their learning to suit their needs.

In addition to the availability of materials, open practices also include open education. It encourages teachers to use cutting-edge pedagogies like open pedagogy and group learning. Students are involved in the co-creation and sharing of information through open pedagogy, which encourages active involvement and participation. In order for students to actively participate in their own learning process, it emphasizes the significance of student agency. Learners can participate in peer-to-peer interactions, group projects, and online communities through collaborative learning, which promotes a sense of community and aids in knowledge sharing.

The Culture of Sharing: Teamwork Promotes Collective Growth –

Open education and the sharing culture go hand in hand. It emphasizes the idea that when knowledge is shared jointly, it expands exponentially. This culture fosters a setting where professionals, students, and educators actively share their knowledge, experiences, and resources to help others. Individuals may ignite innovation, stimulate creativity, and collectively enhance the quality of education by openly exchanging ideas, lesson plans, and research findings. Generosity, reciprocity, and collective growth are the cornerstones of the sharing culture, which encourages everyone to grow as both contributors and learners.

Embracing Open Education: In My Personal/Professional Context –

After watching the video Blink Tower ( assigned in our weekly schedule by Katia, I realized that how easily we can explain open education to anyone. I really like the the way video was made and the graphics and how Blink Tower explained everything in the video. In my previous class, which is EC&I834, I learned about many online platforms from Katia, which are beneficial in the classroom. Through professional networking opportunities and participation in communities of practice, open education can be advantageous to me. Open educational platforms provide lessons, webinars, and materials that aid us as educators in enhancing our instructional strategies, incorporating new tools, and keeping abreast of the most recent developments in science and education. I can improve my teaching strategies and give my pupils a more fulfilling educational experience as a teacher by actively learning new things all the time. I may acquire crucial skills like cooperation, effective communication, and negotiation by participating in group projects, online conversations, and peer feedback. In both academic and professional settings, these abilities are quite valuable.

Adding an additional You-Tube video, It’s a must watch to know how a person can access Open Educational Resources (OER)

To conclude, We have a tremendous opportunity to revolutionize how we study and cooperate by embracing open education and a sharing culture. We can open doors for lifelong learning, close educational gaps, and create a more inclusive society by embracing open educational practices and fostering a culture of sharing. Together, we can make education a truly international and collaborative endeavor that will enrich lives and give people all around the world access to new opportunities. Let’s embrace open education and try to foster a culture of sharing where knowledge is unbounded.

Embroidery Unleashed: Exploring the World of Stitches on Social Media

My embroidery project is progressing splendidly, and with each passing day, I delve deeper into it. Currently, I am engrossed in searching for embroidery-related content on my social media platforms. My YouTube homepage and Instagram feed are filled with videos, reels, and images all centered around embroidery. The convenience of finding ideas on social media platforms is something I greatly appreciate. In today’s world, you no longer need to go anywhere; a single search is sufficient to get a plethora of creative ideas. 

Instagram pages I follow to get ideas or to learn something new every day –  







Pinterest, in particular, is an excellent platform for learning anything. I come across numerous ideas daily, and I eagerly save them. I have created several Pinterest boards to gather ideas that I hope to execute in the future. I am getting lot of notifications from Pinterest, constantly appearing on my home screen. Opening these notifications promptly has become a habit, as I believe it’s something that happens to everyone when they are immersed in the process of learning something new. 


Having already acquired proficiency in various stitches I am now in the process of creation. Utilizing the learned stitches, I have attempted to craft different shapes and patterns. As a new learner, I still draw inspiration from Pinterest and Instagram. Here are the creations I have made in the past week with the help of above shown pictures –



                                                                     Made this eye-glass cover with chain stitch.         

                                                                                                     In process – stitches i am using to complete it are – French knot, Fern stitch and chain stitch.                                           

I am eagerly anticipating the upcoming week, excited to learn and create more intricate patterns and shapes. You are more than welcome to give me ideas on my learning process. Thank you for taking the time to read about my progress and view my creations. 



“The Potential of Online Social Media Activism: Amplifying Voices, Igniting Change”

As a potent tool for advancing social justice and effecting significant change, online social media activism has just come into its own. It provides a platform for people to voice their ideas, share personal experiences, and spread awareness about numerous problems impacting marginalized communities. Social media has made it easier to connect with like-minded people so they can come together, collaborate, and work towards shared objectives. This has been made possible through hashtags, viral campaigns, and online petitions. 

The capacity of online activism to raise up voices that may otherwise be neglected or marginalized is one of its key benefits. Platforms like social media have given historically marginalized people a place to share their stories, criticize dominant narratives, and demand justice. As a result, topics including racial injustice, gender discrimination, LGBTQ+ rights, and environmental sustainability have gained more attention and support.

Online activism has also demonstrated success at energizing populations and encouraging offline action. Social media platforms have been crucial in coordinating protests, boycotts, and other types of activism by swiftly and broadly sharing information. For Instance, through online activism, the #BlackLivesMatter movement acquired considerable popularity and generated discussions about systematic racism. 

It can be difficult to have productive conversations about social justice online, but it is possible. It necessitates establishing welcoming and courteous environments, paying close attention to other points of view, and having productive conversations. Despite the drawbacks of online communication, engaging discussions can happen when participants approach them with empathy, openness, and a desire to learn from others.

As educators, we have a responsibility to model active citizenship online. This includes fostering digital literacy skills and critical thinking among students to navigate the complexities of online spaces. Teachers can assist students in establishing ethical and courteous online behavior by instructing them in productive discussion techniques, how to evaluate sources, and how to spot and combat misinformation. Teachers may motivate children to become knowledgeable, empathic, and involved digital citizens by demonstrating the value of responsible online activity themselves.

Teachers can inspire students to bridge the gap between online activism and concrete activities in addition to setting a good example for ethical online behavior. Even while social media can be an effective tool for spreading awareness, it is crucial to turn online discussions into concrete efforts. Students can develop a feeling of active citizenship and learn that real change involves both online and offline engagement by being encouraged to get involved in community initiatives, volunteer for social causes, and support grassroots organizations. 

Finally, because it enables the amplifying of underrepresented voices, the mobilization of communities, and the promotion of social justice concerns, online social media activism can be important and beneficial. Online social justice discussions can be productive if inclusive environments are created and polite communication is practiced. By encouraging students to take real-world action, fostering critical thinking, and teaching digital literacy skills, we have a duty as educators to serve as online role models for active citizenship. We can raise a generation of digital citizens who are more aware, empathic, and involved by embracing the possibilities of online action while also acknowledging its limitations. 

Project Update

While browsing through different social media platforms, I came across numerous ideas for creating diverse embroidery patterns. The tools I’ve been using for my project include Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube. YouTube, in particular, has been the most effective platform for learning new stitches. It offers a wide range of videos from various instructors, allowing me to choose the ones that suit me best. I’ve noticed that certain stitches are easier to grasp in specific videos compared to others. Overall, YouTube has become my go-to source for learning. 

The channels I follow on YouTube for this skill are: 






 At this point, I’ve learned the basic stitches and have started creating small items with the help of the instructional videos. I gather inspiration from Pinterest, selecting patterns and designs to incorporate into my own creations. Now, I’d like to showcase what I’ve made using images sourced from Pinterest and skills acquired through YouTube.

I have made this one with the help of colorful thread and this is a split stitch. This is made on a top.

Just explored the other stitches as well. Haven’t made anything of it just explored it on a piece of cloth. There are two stitches – French knot and lazy – daisy.



This learning process is immensely captivating, although it does require a significant amount of time. Nonetheless, I’m delighted because I’m finally acquiring a skill I’ve wanted to learn for many years. I’m eagerly looking forward to learning more stitches, trying to make new things or patterns out of it and making time for further development. 

Hashtag Twitter

Twitter is a valuable tool for staying informed about global events. While there are numerous social media platforms that offer similar information, I personally believe that Twitter is a platform one starts using not simply as a trend, but when they become mature enough to be interested in current events or require updated knowledge on specific subjects. In my case, I created a Twitter account during the COVID-19 pandemic when there was little to do and a desire to gather information about the ongoing situation. Initially, I primarily used Twitter for news, but after following the platform’s suggestions to connect with people from my own country and international figures such as celebrities, politicians, and government accounts, my interest grew. Twitter’s trending hashtags and the ease of exploring topics of interest by finding related tweets intrigued me, prompting me to switch from Instagram to Twitter for news and current events. The home page recommendations and the ability to find tweets aligned with my interests made it similar to other social media platforms.

As I mentioned in my previous blog post about social media, although I am an active user of various social media platforms, I don’t usually post anything to my profiles. This is mainly due to past experiences that have made me uncomfortable with active participation. However, upon Katia’s suggestion to explore Twitter, I started following some classmates and searched for the #eci831 to learn more about class activities and the platform itself.

In conclusion, Twitter can be an effective tool in the classroom, as we are currently experiencing. As a teacher, I can create a hashtag and share relevant content with students. Personally, I have discovered educational resources, news, government announcements, and entertainment news on Twitter, making it a versatile platform where individuals can find content aligned with their interests. One aspect I particularly appreciate about Twitter is the ability to stay connected with the lives of the people I follow through their tweets. Students can also utilize Twitter to explore various topics beyond their academic subjects and stay up to date. However, I am still contemplating how Twitter can be used effectively for younger students who may need to reach a certain level of maturity before engaging with such social media tools. I welcome any suggestions on this matter.

Lastly, I want to emphasize that I am still in the process of exploring Twitter and, although I am not an active user, Katia has done an excellent job providing us with the opportunity to discover new things on social media platforms.

From Novice to Needlework: Captivated by the World of Embroidery

In my previous blog post concerning my project, I mentioned my interest in acquiring a new skill, which is embroidery. To delve deeper into this skill, I began exploring various social media platforms. YouTube and Instagram were particularly useful, with YouTube offering beginner-friendly videos that aided me in commencing my learning journey. Embroidery has always fascinated me, captivating my attention whenever I encounter intricately embroidered fabrics. I appreciate the vibrancy of colorful threads and the enchanting patterns they create. Thanks to Katia, I began my embroidery journey while pursuing my master’s degree. While Instagram pages showcasing embroidery patterns and videos are plentiful, I personally found it challenging to learn from them as a novice. This is not to discredit the educational potential of Instagram; however, I found YouTube to be a more conducive platform for beginners. Its videos allowed me to learn at my own pace, adjusting the playback speed and pausing as needed.


To begin, I extensively watched various videos before deciding on the specific supplies to purchase. Since I possess limited knowledge about embroidery, I compiled a shopping list based on the items mentioned in the videos that would facilitate the process. I acquired colorful threads, different types of needles, an embroidery frame, a pair of scissors, and other necessary materials. Once I gathered all the supplies, the crucial step was to find a suitable instructional video that could guide me in understanding the use of threads, needles, and basic patterns. After conducting a thorough search and exploring multiple videos, I discovered one particular video that proved immensely helpful for me as a beginner.




I followed the steps outlined in the video, although I acknowledged that my skills were not yet on par with the person I was watching. The learning process consumed a considerable amount of time, but I derive satisfaction from the fact that I am acquiring a new and fascinating skill. The instructional video introduced me to various patterns, starting from the basics. The knots I learned from the video included running stitch, back stitch, stem stitch, split stitch, cross stitch, chain stitch, satin stitch, french knot, fern stitch, lazy-daisy, and many more. Although some stitches proved easier to execute than others, I am determined to learn all of them. My motivation extends beyond the requirements of my project; it is driven by my genuine passion for embroidery and the recognition that it will benefit me in the future as well.

Pinning through Pinterest

I am an individual who remains active on social media applications, although I don’t share my daily activities online. Instead, I use these platforms to explore various content for entertainment, education, general knowledge, learning something new, and staying connected with my family and friends. Speaking of social media applications, I would like to discuss one particular application that I am interested in exploring further: Pinterest. I have heard a lot about Pinterest from my cousins, friends, and while browsing other websites.

Pinterest is an application that offers a wide range of content related to various fields such as education, home decor, skill development, health, travel, technology, and entertainment, among others. It is filled with an abundance of resources. Initially, I learned about Pinterest from one of my cousins who frequently uses it. I asked her how she finds it useful, and she shared everything with me. I discovered its features and the valuable things one can find on this platform, which can be helpful in our daily lives. I observed her using the platform primarily for finding pictures and videos. Curious, I asked her what sets it apart from other applications that offer similar content. She showed me the distinctive features of Pinterest, and I was amazed to learn about them.

A few days ago, I created my own Pinterest account. Initially, I found it challenging to navigate, but with the help of my cousin and watching tutorial videos on YouTube, I found the process easier. The YouTube videos were especially helpful as they provided a comprehensive overview of how to use the platform effectively. Now, I am knowledgeable about many aspects of Pinterest. After creating an account, the platform prompted me to select my preferences and the topics I wanted to explore. These topics would be displayed in my feed whenever I open the app. One can endlessly explore a wide range of content on this platform through pictures and videos, making it an immersive experience.

The home page serves as the initial browsing and exploration area, where I can discover content based on my personal preferences. Additionally, there is a “watch” option where I can exclusively view videos related to specific topics. Moving on to the search option, I can search for ideas beyond what is presented on the home page. This page showcases ideas for creators, personalized recommendations, and popular content on Pinterest categorized by topics. There is also an option to start creating and adding my own content to the platform.

Once an account is created, I can choose a profile picture and decide what details I want to share publicly or privately. As a new user, I am still exploring the application, but I have started following interesting individuals and pages. I can create my own boards on Pinterest, even if I am not actively posting content. These boards can be tailored to various topics, and I can create as many as I desire. I have already created boards and named them accordingly, allowing me to save pictures and videos that I find interesting and revisit them whenever I want.

What I appreciate about this social media tool so far is that it caters to my personal taste, allowing me to explore and save an extensive range of content. Additionally, I can create collaborative boards with friends and family, where we can save and view each other’s posts. Similar to other social media applications, I can engage in conversations, share pictures, and exchange videos through messages. Although I am still in the early stages of exploring this new platform, I have not encountered any negative aspects yet. The only potential drawback is that it can be time-consuming. However, when engrossed in the exploration process, the investment of time feels worthwhile. I am thoroughly enjoying Pinterest, dedicating time to it, and continuously learning new things.

Regarding its benefits in the educational field, I believe it depends on how one chooses to utilize the platform. As I mentioned earlier, Pinterest offers topics related to every field. It can be particularly useful for children to explore and learn new things, as there are countless ideas and resources available. For teachers and parents, Pinterest serves as a valuable platform for discovering educational materials. Although I have only recently started using it, I have already found limitless ideas relevant to the topics I explore. Therefore, I highly recommend giving Pinterest a try and searching for intriguing content that aligns with your own interests. And I would definitely use this tool for my learning project as well.