Category Archives: eci831

Ready or Not? Time to Build A Raised Garden Bed!

What better a day to start building a raised garden bed then in +30 degree weather, right? However, June is here and the learning and building must go on! So after a slow start to the morning, I began my raised garden build. As I mentioned in my previous post, I am going to be building a garden bed that is 12 feet long on each side using 6 foot cedar fence boards. It will be 3 feet wide on each end so I can easily reach the plants. Although, I found many different ideas and plans online, I wanted to create my own drawing and design to fit a certain area in our yard. Here is a reminder of my design:

I spent some time looking at raised garden bed videos and plans to decide on how to tackle this project. I especially liked this video as it had similar materials I chose and the look I wanted.

The website had a great read about 24 DIY Raised Garden Bed Plans & Ideas That You Can Build In Your Garden. Each plan shared the difficulty level and when you clicked on the plan you liked the materials and instructions were included. This would have provided me a great way to start my building but instead I kind of went rogue with my learning and designed my own raised bed plan. After gathering all of my materials, this is what I used for the build:

  • 32 cedar fence boards (plus a few more for errors)
  • decks screws
  • old scrape boards from treated wood to secure the fence boards
  • cordless impact drill
  • compound mitre saw
  • measuring tape
  • pencil
  • lots of water
    • a great supervisor and supporter! (my personal husband)

To start, I began by cutting my end boards from 6 feet into 3 feet lengths.

Then I started to connect the sections together. For this, I used some treated wood scraps that were in our garage as anchors for the corners and to connect the 6 foot boards.

I started the build on our driveway but felt it was going to be too heavy to continue there so I moved over to the area I wanted the bed to be placed in. In hindsight, I should have continued to build on the concrete as it was a more leveled surface. Something to remember for future builds!

The build was going quite well, however, I could feel my husband cringe every time I used the impact drill! I spent most of my time the previous week practicing on the mitre saw and I definitely should have spent a lot more time using the drill as you can see in this video!

This build was a two person project. I needed support holding boards and piecing each section together. The main part of the garden bed took several hours to build but seemed to go together well.

After a short break, I was back at it! Time for the finishing top caps. I felt very optimistic as I had practiced making angles the week before and they seemed to work out. This video was a great watch for learning how to make angles. Unfortunately, it didn’t give me any tips for how to correct errors when cutting angles.

Well… I soon discovered this was not going to be a smooth end to my build! Angles became my nemesis! They started out well but then they no longer seemed to go together. I had to be careful as I was nearing the end of my supply of cedar boards.

This 45 degree angle went together alright at first!
This bevelled angle also worked out!

Slowly my angles began to no longer fit quite right! I was persistent in wanting to do it myself so my husband tried to offer support and advice without taking over my project, kind of like a teacher in the classroom would! Unfortunately, I had to enlist his help to save the remaining boards so I wouldn’t run out!

Something isn’t looking right here! Grrr…
Please fit together before I run out of boards!

With a little help, I pieced together the remaining corners and accepted defeat regarding making perfect angles! Oh well, I do need to put my pride aside and recognize that I am a rookie in this area. Finally after a long, hot day my build was complete!

Final build review!

A few things that I am taking away from my learning this week are:

  • Take into account that watching videos and reading articles does not equal being able to develop a skill.
  • Developing a skill takes time and practice
  • Always have extra material on hand!
  • Be aware of uneven ground and boards that have warps in them
  • Give yourself lots of time! I thought it would only take half a day but it actually required the full day to build
  • Give yourself grace as you learn a new skill! Be proud of what you accomplished without looking at all the flaws!

I did find that watching videos for me was much easier than reading how to build a raised garden bed. I gained lots of tips about the build such as materials and how wide to make it! Up next, I will be looking into how to fill the raised bed, what type of soil will work best and what kinds of plants I should put in the bed.

If you have any recommendations on filling my raised garden bed, I would love to hear them!

Thanks for reading and watching my raised garden bed build!


I Do, We Do, You Do! Modelling Responsible Social Media Activism

Photo by Sora Shimazaki on

This week we have been discussing social media activism and our role within it. Three questions were posed to think about and answer.

  •  Can online social media activism be meaningful and worthwhile?
  • Is it possible to have productive conversations about social justice online?
  • What is our responsibility as educators to model active citizenship online?

Social Media Activism

I’ll admit I have a had a strong fear of putting my beliefs and values out on social media even though I readily share them on a daily basis with adults and the students I work with. I try to be a good model of human rights equality and an ally to LGBTQ and Indigenous communities. Previously, I had been taught to keep my social media accounts private and neutral so that I would not face backlash or repercussions from superiors who may see my posts.

However, I became increasingly uncomfortable with social media activism during COVID. I found that I no longer enjoyed going on feeds because people always had an opinion about a topic and huge divides were happening based on what you believed regarding vaccines and mask mandates. It didn’t stop with COVID related topics. People I had known for years seem to be growing in their bravery to share their own beliefs that I found racist, privileged and very oppressive. Each day I was contemplating whether or not to respond but figured it would be an argument that wouldn’t get anywhere to make lasting change. From our class discussion on Monday, June 5th something Katia said and wrote really resonated with me and made me want to start to change my social media habits for the better. “Silence speaks just as loudly as words.”

I wondered what my social media platforms were actually saying about what I stand for and believe. I took a look at my Twitter account and I found that I was doing a lot of retweets, sharing and liking of educational resources but nothing too thought provoking to stand up for my beliefs or bring about change so I decided to try to Tweet more purposefully this week around social activism and share items I wish to see change in the world.

These three posts are topics I strongly believe in and talk about face to face with others so why wasn’t I sharing them online as well. I believe they are worthwhile and need to be sent out to the world. I realize that I have a long way to go with social activism online but I do see the value and importance of it. If I don’t try to use my platform for change as an educator and mother, what am I teaching my students and child? The article Social Media: The Catalyst For Creating Social Change? by
Michael J Mc Cusker suggests that we need to “understand you’re why, and speak with knowledge of the issue. Adding value is crucial. Putting yourself out there is the only way to get heard” (Mc Cusker, 2021). My why is to help make a better world for my students and child to live in that demonstrates love and respect for all instead of hate and divide. Therefore, social media activism is definitely meaningful and worthwhile.

Having Productive Conversations Online

I think that you can have productive conversations online if you are cognizant of the platform and arguments you may face when you put out a question or topic that could be challenged. I feel that Facebook is not the platform for productive conversations. People do not seem to be trying to bring about positive change on their platforms and tend to either agree with you or argue as to why they are right. However, Twitter seems to be a stronger space to invoke productive conversations online. The accounts I follow will often pose questions or share topics that naturally lead themselves to open discussions and conversations. Twitter chats such as #saskedchat provide meaningful opportunities to support online conversations. The blog post 13 ways to start a conversation online by Elizabeth Perry provides some helpful tips for getting started with conversations online. Some of the highlights and takeaways included:

  • Joining online forums where people share common interests with you
  • Being authentic and vulnerable
  • Developing your online profile to be similar to your real life personality
  • Using conversation starter prompts to get started
  • Being patient with responses

Just like in person connections and relationships, it takes time to develop and grow your online community. Having meaningful conversations online is something worthwhile to explore. You may meet and learn from someone across the globe who you might otherwise never knew existed. However, there may be times when you are challenged by people who do not share your stance on a topic or trolls that insert themselves in your feed. Being able to know when to stop this unproductive dialogue is key. People can disagree on topics but it shouldn’t be at the expense of someone’s mental health or well-being. This is something to remember when teaching students about their presence online.

Modelling Active Citizenship Online


Just as when we teach a new concept or idea in curriculum we need to model and scaffold digital citizenship in respect to social activism. As an educator today, it is my job to be informed and understand how technology and its use by our students is impacting the world. A great way to start with all students is to engage in the topic of digital citizenship. The article What is Digital Citizenship and Why is it Important? from provides a great starting point for educators to understand digital citizenship and why it is important to teach. Students must be taught that what they put online should be thoughtful and promote human rights not spread hate or false information. Without guidance, students do not have the knowledge that what they are doing online can have significant negative effects and impact others. Just as we teach our students that words can hurt and not be taken back, so to can the messages, pictures and posts we put online. Therefore a scaffolded approach through teaching digital citizenship is vital to support student learning in this area. A great tool to use would be Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools.

Students use technology more than ever so educators must work to model and teach skills about being a good citizen online. Students need to understand that their presence online can help do great things in the world like bringing about change for equality through social activism. However, being a responsible citizen online is key to ensuring what they are putting out online will not be detrimental to someone else.

As educators and leaders, we decided to go into this profession to impact students and the world. Therefore, being models of social activism and responsible citizens online will provide our students with the knowledge and tools to become capable and competent digital citizens who use their voice and platforms online in a positive and safe way to bring about change in the world.

What do you do to model social activism to your students? What does your online presence say about you?

Growing green! Thank you rain!

Take a tour with me to see how the garden is growing!

The work in the garden this week was mostly maintenance including weeding and cleaning out last year’s growth from the side flowerbeds.

The current state of peonies.
First rose bloom.
Hosta, growing by the day.

My main learning focus this week was proper care of peonies, lawn care and how to keep cats out of my vegetable garden bed.


Tips and Tricks for Peonies. This short Youtube video answered all my questions and even identified the kind of peony I have. Our home is 40 years old. We moved in last June and all of the gardens are already mature. I have no idea how long some of the plants have been there but I do know that the peony plant is well established. From the video, it appears that I have a double-bloom garden peony. They like the sun and can grow 3- 4 feet wide and tall. To grow bigger blooms, I can pinch off small side buds, which is similar to how to grow better tomatoes. Finally, established peonies don’t require much care in the spring and I should cut them back to 3 inches in the fall which I didn’t do last fall but did pull it all out this week.

I found another helpful article on Caring for Peonies: 10 Tips and Tricks. I always see ants on the peony buds. The ants don’t harm or help the buds they just love the taste of the nectar, who knew!?! Also, because the flowers are so big, they can be very heavy so staking the plant can help, even using a tomato cage. I have a little fence and a rope holding mine. I will see how that holds up this year.

Lawn care

Image by Alexa from Pixabay

Lawn care seems to be the ongoing “issue” in my yard. We are keeping the grass longer so it doesn’t get burnt and watering it daily in the early morning. The No Mow May article I previously mentioned, suggested cutting the grass every two weeks. Since I made the above video, we decided to cut the grass this evening. I found another article called Slow Mow Summer suggested that it’s not the time between mowings but the length that should determine when to cut and never cut more than a third of the length. This is how we decided to cut the grass today. With all the recent rain the grass is growing like crazy!

Stop the Cat

Finally, someone or something is digging in my vegetable garden….The size of the prints leads me to believe it is the friendly neighbour cat that I often see crossing through the yard. I want to safely deter the cat from stopping in the garden. I found an article on the David Suzuki FDNs Twitter page which gave many ideas I am trying this week. I have added orange peels as citrus is supposed to deter the cat as well as egg shells and pine cones to make it uncomfortable to walk on. Finally, I added grass clippings so the nice soft dirt is hidden.

Best resources this week came from Youtube, Feedly and Twitter.

Stop by next week for an update on the project Stop the Cat as well as tomato planting. I have found lots of great information I am looking forward to sharing and also planting my tomatoes this week.

My Journey with Twitter!

Photo by Jorge Urosa on

I have been a on Twitter since, March 2017. I attended a conference with two of my colleagues regarding how to be a better educator. One of the speakers was George Couros and he challenged all of the educators in the room to join Twitter to start creating an online presence and connect to other educators. One of my colleagues and I accepted his challenge and joined immediately! After joining, I wasn’t really sure what to do next. I started following the people from the conference and occasionally sent a message back and forth with my coworker but that was where my Twitter usage stayed for several years.

When I became a new Administrator, I started to follow more educational leaders to gain insight into how to become more effective in my new role. One of my favourite leaders to follow includes @joe_sanfelippo who shares his #1minwalk2work. I have used his work to not only motivate myself as a leader but my staff each week.

From Twitter @joe_sanfelippo

Other leadership accounts I follow include @PrincipalProj and @JonGordon11. I have enjoyed finding ideas and strategies to use within my role as a leader to help strengthen my skills and support my staff.

I would say I am skilled in the retweet! This was primarily how I have shared information I have liked up until the Winter of 2022. When I embarked on completing my Masters of Education, the second class I took was EC&I 834.

Dr. Katia Hildebrandt was my professor and she had us get onto Twitter throughout our class. I very much enjoyed following my classmates and reading their posts. During this class, I learned a lot about #edtech and started to follow leaders in educational technology such as @alicekeeler and @catlin_tucker. These two accounts helped me grow tremendously in my skills around educational technology by giving various tips and strategies to use educational tools in the classroom more effectively.

During this class, I started to link my blog posts to my Twitter feed and began to receive comments from not only my classmates but other users within my school division and the educational world. Twitter became a great professional learning network for myself during this time.

Well, here I am again taking EC&I 831 with Katia. This term I am learning from a whole new group of classmates about social media and open education. I am enjoying the interaction through posts and links my fellow learners are sharing. I am also becoming braver and better at creating my own tweets. I was a fangirl this week when I shared a post from @alicekeeler and she thanked me for sharing it! Overall, I have found many strengths and a few challenges with my Twitter usage that I can share.


  • Building a professional learning community
  • Learning from colleagues and educational leaders globally
  • Finding strategies and ideas to use to better my skills as an Administrator
  • Challenging my current practices and helping me develop as a person and professional
  • Connecting with educators across the province who I would not otherwise have the opportunity to work with or learn from


  • Creating an eyecatching tweet
  • Learning how to create a concise tweet (I am wordy!)
  • Linking other accounts and hashtags to my posts
  • Finding time to sift through the information on Twitter

I think when I joined Twitter early on, I would have benefitted from doing some research to help develop my tweeting skills. This article from sprout social would have helped me develop on my skills on Twitter early on. This video has 5 great tips to help make your Twitter experience better.


Although, I have lots to learn still about being a Twitter user. I am no longer apprehensive to share and connect on Twitter. I love the sense of community it is creating as a professional platform for myself. I am looking forward to trying something new such a taking part in a Twitter chat. I will continue to use Twitter as my professional platform to learn and grow as an educator and leader.

What do you use Twitter for? Do you have any recommendations of accounts to follow in education and leadership?

Finally, if I don’t follow you already please find my on Twitter @MrsKSimon and I will be sure to follow you back!


Power Tools…Here I Go!

After gathering all of my materials, the time has come to become familiar and conquer my fear of certain power tools namely the compound mitre saw (which I had to ask my husband to give me the correct name for). Before actually using the tools, I thought I should watch some educational videos to prepare. This basic safety video was a great reminder of things to remember when working with wood and tools. It was a bit of sober acknowledgement of how you must be very safe using saws as it could quickly turn into something horrific!

An easy to follow cartoon video about safety tips in woodworking

I also watched this video by Weathered Wood Home on how to use a power drill which I have used before but not often. I feel that this tools will be easy to use and won’t require too much practice!

Now, it was time to look into the mitre saw to gain some proper insight as to how to work it. This video was a straightforward introduction to the saw and had great safety tips to go with it.

Although, these videos were great starting points for using power tools, I found it best to learn side by side with someone skilled in using these tools aka my husband. I felt pretty confident in my skills using the hammer, screwdrivers and cordless drill so I felt my time was best spent becoming comfortable with the saw. As you can see by my face, I wasn’t very confident in using it when I began.

My heart was pounding!

Although, I did pretty well with my first try, I still needed to trim a little off the edge to get the correct measurement I was practicing.

Starting to feel a bit more confident!

Since, I want to put a cap edge around the top of my raised garden bed, I also need to practice making angles.

The more I practiced using the saw, the more confident I became! Combining the safety knowledge and tool usage I learned through videos with hands on practice was an effective way to learn. In this learning journey, pairing the knowledge with the practical application of hands on tasks helped me develop my skills in using power tools. I believe you can’t have one without the other. If I had just watched videos and read articles around tool skills, I don’t think I would have been able to just simply pick up the tool and build. I also think that if I had just jumped in without watching the videos, I wouldn’t have gained some valuable knowledge around using power tools and safety before starting.

Next up… time to build! Hopefully the weather will cooperate for me to spend a good chunk of my weekend, building my raised garden bed. Stay tuned!

Thanks for reading! Please let me know if you have any building tips for my raised garden bed and/or have ever built your own.


Twitterpated by Twitter?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines Twitterpated as  1. Love-struck, besotted; infatuated, obsessed. Also: excited, thrilled. That is not quite how I would describe my relationship with Twitter as it is a bit extreme. However, I am beginning to develop a positive relationship with Twitter. We are still taking it slow at this point and some days I feel like Bambi trying to get my footing.

If you check my Twitter account @MmeLBlair it will tell you I have been a member since October 2015. It is true. I remember signing up at the Saskatchewan Middle Years Convention in Saskatoon. I was inspired and ready to engage on Twitter… but it looks like my first post came on July 21, 2016 when my boyfriend (now, husband) and I took a trip to Toronto. In order to get a free copy of a photo, you had to tweet it. Anything for a free picture.

My first Tweet, in Toronto, wearing the sunglasses we had just won at the filming of the Marlyn Denis Show.

Fast forward to January 2022 when I started my graduate studies journey taking my first class with Katia. We were encouraged to start our Twitter journey. This is where my appreciation and more intentional use of Twitter began. The main use for my Twitter feed has been professional learning. I am making connections with many teachers, educational researchers and others who are passionate about student success. I read articles that make me reflect on my practices, inspire me to try new times or encourage me with a positive message. I retweet Tweets that are meaningful to me. The only content on my own that I share is related to the classes I am taking.

I am finding Twitter to be a great professional development tool which I intend to continue to pursue following this class. I have never taken part in a Twitter chat yet, that will be my next step.

A follow of my favourite handles are: @Teachergoals (inspirational quotes), @alicekeeler (Google expert), @TCEA (a mix of educational information) and Mme Lockhart (French Immersion teacher) to name of few.

I would love some feedback!

  1. Have you taken part in a Twitter chat? Can you provide some helpful hints?
  2. Who are some of your favourite educational handles to follow?

Happy Tweeting!

To TikTok or not to TikTok?

Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, oh my! Twitter and Discord now give TikTok a try.

This week I signed up for an account and started exploring TikTok. Truth be told, I am not into it yet. My little interaction with the platform hasn’t drawn me in. When I use other platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, I rarely watch the videos. Since TikTok is all videos, perhaps that is why it isn’t drawing me in. I found this video to see what I was missing from exploring blindly for a few days. It goes through all the features of Tiktok and how to use the mobile app on an iPhone.

I started looking for teachers and other educators to follow. I have found a few. I am not seeing the content that I would look for in social media such as lesson ideas, classroom management and reading intervention/strategies. What I am seeing are teacher outfits and classroom setups. However, I recently found this article with more ideas for using hashtags to help me find teachers using TikTok. Some of the most popular hashtags are #teachertips, #classroommanagement and #studentengagment. These are more of my area of interest that I will dive into in the coming weeks.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

This next article is a must-read for teachers and parents. It is CBC article called Some teachers are using TikTok to reach teens but concerns over app’s effects persist. It presents many interesting ideas to consider. One is that TikTok is where many teens are getting their news from. This could be an opportunity for the teens to ask questions about what they are seeing but also for teachers and parents to talk to their children/ students about what news they are seeing. Opening up the chance for discussion. TikTok can capture attention and spark curiosity as one of the contributors says. This article points out the fact that the videos are all short and you move on to the next. What is this doing to the attention span of youth and how will this affect them at school?

This week, I also had a conversation with my 12-year-old nephew about TikTok. I learned that he does have an account and thinks that there are some bad things on there. I asked if he felt there was any educational value. He thought there was because he could watch cooking and baking videos to help him learn new things as baking is one of his interests. Otherwise, Auntie, it’s not very good. That got me thinkings and searching for more articles. My takeaway from these articles is that TikTok is really no different from other social media platforms when it comes to pros and cons. Cyberbullying can happen on any of the platforms as well as getting down “rabbit holes” looking for information.

Image by Dean Moriarty from Pixabay

The first article is 8 Pros and Cons of TikTok. I found that these pros and cons could apply to any platform. For example, some pros are: it’s entertaining, it’s a creative outlet and you could make friends. Making friends is one that makes me a bit nervous. The cons are: being exposed to sexual predators, it can harm your privacy and the negative comments that can be received. All of this leads me to the importance of educating our children/ students on how we can protect our privacy and being aware of the other cons.

The next two articles that would be important for parents and teachers to be aware of comes from the Cyber Bullying Research Centre website. The first is another list of pros and cons. There are some great points here that would be important for adults to be aware of to share with children. One is that when you sign up for an account it is automatically public. You have to go into the setting to set up your privacy settings. That article led me to the TikTok Top Ten Tips for Teens. This is a great place for parents and teens to start having a conversation about the platform and how to use it more safely.

I also went looking for #gardening ideas to help with my major project. This is where I found some success and a few accounts that will be helpful going forward. Stay tuned for more from @texasgardenguy . He has lots of great gardening tips.

I see both pros and cons of using TikTok. Will I continue once this class is complete, I am not sure, yet! My biggest takeaway is to continue to have conversations with students and children about the social media they are using to help them use it safely but also as connection point. I look forward to having further conversations with my nephew on the topic.

What are some of your favourite accounts to follow as an educator or other?

Tik Tok in Education: Yes or No?

Cristiam Oliveira GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

I’ll admit that I really had no idea what Tik Tok was when I created an account over a year ago. I kept hearing about it from colleagues and students so I thought I would check it out. However, fast forward a year, I still feel like there is a lot more to discover about the social media platform. First, I thought I would do a little historical research to figure out more about this worldwide app. Brandtastic’s blog gave a great overview about the history of Tik Tok. Some interesting facts I learned was that it was created in 2016 as a lip sync app in China. In 2022, over 60% of users were under the age of 25. Tik Tok is not without controversy as it has been pushed towards being banned in the United States and off of government employee phones. However, it continues to be one of the dominating social media platforms in the world.

Photo by cottonbro studio on

All I have used it for is watching videos which in the evening can turn into a full hour session in an instant! I still have not made my own videos and truthfully don’t think I ever will! If I were to take the plunge, this getting started video would be very helpful to those just starting out on Tik Tok, though.

I learned from this instructional video that to create a Tik Tok video it is a three step process of recording, editing and posting. However, the process of adding filters and music seems to be daunting. I am more in the discovery phase of Tik Tok. After downloading the app, I used it solely on a personal level to watch funny videos at the end of the school day or check out a trend a colleague or Professor suggested such as Pot Roast’s Mom.

However, recently I have started to explore it professionally as well. I have found many helpful tips and even funny videos on #teachertiktok. Some of my favourite accounts to follow professionally on Tik Tok include @farmerlovesphonics who has helped me research and provide strategies and instructional practices to staff that align with the Science of Reading. I also enjoy the tips and ideas regarding addressing challenging behavior and social emotional learning from @behaviorconnection. These accounts are just a couple of my top followers for professional use.

Something new to me as I explored Tik Tok further this week was creating collections. This is a feature I found very useful instead of simply saving them to favourites, you can create categories. This week I created a gardening category to support my major project for this class, a general school collection for professional ideas and a motivation collection that I could use with students and staff during discussions and meetings.

Speaking of students, I was thinking about how Tik Tok could be used safely, to support student learning. I would probably use some of the motivation videos in lessons with students to support social emotional learning. I might also use funny animal videos to increase engagement. As I currently work with younger students up to Grade 4, I believe this would have to be mainly teacher controlled. As I sit in my office at school, I can’t seem to get onto Tik Tok at the school which makes me wonder if it is blocked for usage at the school level. This could be a problem when trying to use it for educational purposes. However, with older students, perhaps you might engage them by challenging them to create a video for a project or topic they might be learning about. Again, strong guidance and safety protocols would have to be adhered to as many parents may not feel comfortable with their child using Tik Tok.

So, after reviewing the social media platform, I still have many questions about how to use Tik Tok appropriately in schools. As a mom of an 11 year old, I am working to teach my daughter digital citizenship and internet safety but she still believes a lot of what is out on the internet even though it might not be factual. Therefore, for the students I work with I would primarily use it as an option to share appropriate videos with them during a lesson or on google classroom. I will continue to use the professional ideas and accounts I have found within Tik Tok to support my role as an Administrator and Teacher. I will continue to use Tik Tok both personally and professionally as a place to watch interesting and humorous videos. I like to check out the newest challenges such as #skipping challenge. However, the next Tik Tok star will not be me!

I would like to know your thoughts on Tik Tok. How do you use Tik Tok on a professional level? Do you allow students to access it? What are some of your favourite Tik Tok accounts to follow?

Thanks for reading and sharing your answers!


Week 2- Gardening update

No time for wasting. This week, I jumped into my online research as I knew I would soon have to get my garden in the ground.

First, I joined the Saskatchewan Gardeners Facebook page. I made a post to determine if one of my plants was a flower or a weed. Very quickly, I had 50 comments about my plant…not a weed!  It is a poppy! One of the commenters was able to identify one of the other plants in the picture. I used the Plant look-up tool on my iPhone in my pictures which confirmed what the comment said, it is a Lamb’s Ear.

My Facebook post to the Saskatchewan Gardens group.
Plant Look-up in my iPhone pictures.
Plant Look- up to confirm Lamb’s Ear

Next, I used Feedly to start gathering articles related to my topic. I really like this site. I have to check only one place every few days and read the new articles. I have also found that some of the article sources are better than others and can look on those pages for other articles of interest. Here are a few articles that I found helpful this week:

Lawn care: From this article, I learned that I should mow the lawn every two weeks and keep the lawn length to 3.5 inches. It also talks about not cutting the grass in May. We had already cut the grass this month so I was too late to take that advice. The reason for that is to help with pollination. Other ideas for pollination that were given are to put a Hummingbird feeder, bird bath, bee house and a variety of coloured flowers to attract pollinators. So far, we have added a Hummingbird feeder and bird bath to our front garden bed. Below are not my pictures, I hope to have a few of my own pictures with birds soon.

Image by George from Pixabay
Image by Ralph from Pixabay

Growing Vegetables– I took the advice from this article to prepare my vegetable garden for planting. I added cow manure to the soil and mixed it up together to raise the nutrient level in the soil. They also suggested adding fertilizer to the soil before planting, which we did. The greenhouse had cow manure and sheep manure. In reading both packages they seemed to do the same thing so of course I asked my toddler if he would rather have cow poop or sheep poop in the garden. His choice was cow so cow manure it is.

This article is specifically about tomatoes. They prefer full sun in the garden, which helped decide on garden placement. We purchased Beefsteak seedlings as they have the potential to grow larger tomatoes. Stay tuned for more about tomatoes in a later post.

My helper mixing the soil.
Garden divided and seeds planted.
Garden as of May 22, 2023

When to Plant?: This site has lots of great information for beginner gardeners such as the easiest veggies to grow, how to decide what to plant, and guidelines for arranging the vegetables in the garden. This article led me to the planting calendar. This is a very cool web page. You input your postal code and it tells you when is the best time to plant seeds and seedlings based on the last frost in that area. I learned that I am late planting my carrot, green bean and pea seeds. They should have been in the ground by May 11th and I got them in the ground May 21st. I will plant my tomato plants and cucumber plants between June 15th and 29th as the almanac suggests.

Companion planting: The article shows which vegetables should be planted together and which you should avoid for the best growth. I used this article to decide the best placement for the vegetables and which vegetables to plant.

I also watched this video to help me decide on plant placement in the garden. The video and article are about square-foot garden designs. Look back at the garden picture and notice black tape. This is where I measured out each foot to help space the garden properly.

The last thing for this week is Aeration. My brother called me and said he was renting an aeration machine for an evening, would I like my lawn done as well? How perfect, I thought. This will fit in so well with my project, that he is unaware of.  Of course, I told him to come on over. I did the research after the aeration was done. It will allow to the water to get in deep to the roots and help with the compression of the lawn.

My brother, hard at work aerating the lawn.

I hope you will come back next week to see how the garden is growing, learn about spring perennial care and find out what other mystery plants are growing in my flower beds. I would love any tips, tricks or gardening advice you have to share!

One of three beautiful Tulips in my garden.
Updated picture of the spring-cleaned perennial bed with the Humminbird feeder and birdbath included.

Planning Time!

The long weekend seemed like a great time to start planning my raised garden bed build. I always get the itch to start planting and greenhouse shopping around this time. I really need to reign myself in and budget wisely otherwise I could easily end up with way more plants than I need. I believe this approach will be needed for planning my raised garden bed as well.

I started by researching the best types of wood to use for my garden build. I went straight to my favourite planning social media platform Pinterest. I had already started a board titled “Gardening That I Love” so I decided to browse and add to my search of what type of wood I should use to build the garden bed and any designs I liked. I especially enjoyed this blog post from Deanna at Homestead and Chill titled “7 Ways To Make Wood Garden Beds Last: Nontoxic Sealer & More”. I decided that I wanted to use cedar as I thought it would be easy to find. Boy, was I wrong! Rural Saskatchewan it turns out is not the best place to shop for cedar. I spent most of Saturday morning calling local lumber yards all within an hour of my home with little or no luck in sourcing cedar fence boards.

In the midst of this calling adventure, I began looking at different designs that I might like to use as inspiration or plans for my own raised garden bed. The look and simplicity of this design was something I was really interested in.

However, the location I chose in my garden area was a corner section where the grass was spotty and the land was flat. Therefore, I wanted something that would meet in the middle providing a garden bed on each side. I did not have any luck finding a design to match the area I wanted to build the raised garden bed in.

Area to build my raised bed by Kendra Simon

I guess it was time to design my own! After calling around to several places, I finally found luck in Regina sourcing 6 foot cedar fence boards. Using this information, I planned my design around using the 6 foot cedar fence board for my original plan. It seemed to resist rot and was budget friendly upon my research.

Garden Bed Design by Kendra Simon

Now, I wondered what this design would truly look like plotted out and when I would be able to get to Regina which is almost 3 hours away from where we live. So, I started by plotting out my design, with a little help from my husband! The visual provided great clarity as to whether or not my design was what I was looking for. It turns out, I wanted to make some adjustments to my original design as noted in this video.

Updated Drawing of Design by Kendra Simon

I realized that 6 feet did not provide enough room on either side for a large amount of space for plants to grow and develop. It would really limit the amount of plants I could put into the raised bed. Adding an additional 6 feet on each side seemed to be the best plan to go with. Now, all I needed was a plan to get the wood! I called a few family members to see if they were going to the city soon. However, no one was planning a trip. So…with no big plans for our family this weekend before our weekends become full of sports events, we decided to take a Sunday road trip to Regina for wood and a few other household items.

Doing a little price comparison, we found that Rona seemed to be the best deal in the city for cedar boards. I am thankful for the knowledge my husband has in this area as I was given a mini-lesson on picking the best boards for the project. Each of the 36 boards (a few extra for good measure) were inspected to ensure they were not warped or cracked. After combing through two different bundles, we were able to pay and load up!

After, accomplishing our task, we couldn’t resist a little stop at McDonald’s for our daughter and of course Costco for the whole family. These are luxuries to those of us who live in rural Saskatchewan!

The next steps in my learning journey will be researching all about safety when using power tools and actually practicing before trying to cut into my precious cedar boards! Stay tuned for my next post about how I overcome my fear of the power saw. Let me know if you have any tips or suggestions to help me along the way to building my raised garden beds.

Thanks for reading!