Author Archives: karleescott

Social Media and Me

I would say that I have almost a negative relationship with social media. I am constantly scrolling through social media. About 30% of my social media activity involves looking for recipes or watching other teachers on Tik Tok with their new engaging ways to keep middle years students entertained throughout the day. My family group chat consists of Tik Tok links back and forth and back and forth. My 88 year-old grandpa stays up until after midnight watching Tiktok. On the other hand, my husband does not have one ounce of social media on his phone. He “has” all the social media accounts, but never uses them. He likes playing games on his phone instead. Clash of Clans is riveting, folks. 

Photo by Kerde Severin on

Although I spend a lot of time on social media, I am not a frequent poster. I have not had any negative effects on my life (except lack of sleep due to scrolling maybe). Actually, I am going to say the constant need to keep my house as clean as the home influencers, my wardrobe as trendy as the fashion influencers and my classroom as organized and colour coded as Teacher Tok. Similarly, I found after a hard day of teaching, I would come home to Teacher Tok to find a whole bunch of other teachers putting in their resignations because of the poor working conditions that U.S. teachers have. I start to wander down the rabbit hole of “will I quit my job one day?”. Definitely not, but at the wrong time or wrong mindset it wears on me. Another thing that comes to mind is finding out terrible news such as people in your life have passed away on social media, which is sometimes right when you wake up in the morning, or at recess, or right before bed. Professionally, it has not affected me personally, but the moment I am dealing with a situation with my students involving social media I get so defeated. “So and so said this about me on snapchat”, I have heard it time and time again. I have had students who don’t even have social media accounts share that they are still getting involved because other students are talking about them online. As a teacher, my advice has always been “just don’t have it”, but really that is not even the solution. WHAT IS THE SOLUTION? I start getting angry and frustrated with my students writing this. 

The positive effects of social media are still there. When I am having a bad day, I can access those accounts that bring me laughter and joy. When I have navigated difficult times in my life, I have found others that are brave enough to share similar stories on social media to relate to. Through social media I have had the chance to stay in touch with people that were once my neighbours, co-workers and friends that now live in different cities, provinces and countries. 

Less time on social media is always a good answer, I believe. Although, the “bad stuff” on social media doesn’t stay away if you only spend ten minutes a day on it. 

I like soap and I cannot lye

If you don’t get it, lye is one of the main ingredients in my soap. Sodium hydroxide is the actual scientific name.

First off, I started with my aloe Vera plant that worked its roots off to grow and give me some high quality aloe to work with.

I am going to give an overview of my learning project as well as a reflection on what worked and what I still need to work on.

Soap 1: Three Ingredient Soap

My very first soap was bad news bears. Quite like most people learning new things, I just gave it a good shot. I did not measure even, I just eye balled it. What was I even thinking????

You can check out how that went here.

Soap 2: Oatmeal Soap (THE BEST ONE)

This soap went the BEST! I added a four ingredient (oatmeal ) in hopes to create a really gentle bar of soap. This one was both aesthetically pleasing and nice on the skin! This was my biggest win in my learning project! Here is the video that shows my best work!

Soap 3: Adding Essential Oils

This one did not go over well, which was slightly disappointing. I think this is a great reflection of the roller coaster of learning something new. My previous soap went so well, I thought that I had a lot of the process perfected. After a week of setting, the soap separated and did not work out. The coconut oil is at the bottom of the soap and the lye/aloe Vera is at the top. I am not sure what happened.


Okay, this is when I started to wonder, like what the heck is going on? The soap separated AGAIN! After doing some research, I thought that it had to do with how much mixing I was doing. Then, I wondered if the difference in temperature (iced aloe, mixed with lye, mixed with warmed up liquid coconut oil). I just did not know what happened.

Soap 5: Soap-prise, it did not work. AGAIN!

So, for this time I tried to use fresh aloe Vera with the lye. In previous posts, I saw that the lye was going to heat up the aloe, but I though that if the lye was heated, and the coconut oil was heated, they might be near the same temperature and they would be able to cool together as well. I also connected that the air was obviously getting warmer and warmer that the humidity might not be a positive contribution. I was wrong. Check out what my final soap looked like.

What worked?

Actually, not much worked, haha. First off, I got REALLY good at harvesting my aloe. After watching lots of TikToks and Instagram reels, I got my harvesting skills down pat. My first harvesting record video was over 14 minutes. My final harvesting took just under 3 minutes. Using a spoon to scoop long strips out of the leaves was a great lesson, but I was getting poked and prodded by my aloe Vera. I just cut off the edges and then the pokey parts were gone! Woohoo!

Something else that went well was the oatmeal soap. I am not sure what went SO well with my oatmeal soap, but it formed well, blended well and when I go back and watch the video, I see that after I added the coconut oil and poured the soap, it looks so thick! I am not sure what went so well, or if I just mixed it perfectly, or if the oatmeal was the awesome best part. It was just the best soap!

Also, I got really good at using iMovie. I learned more and more each week, and I was able to document my journey and I was able to do my editing on the go, or right before bed. It was pretty cool! I am sure that I will incorporate iMovie in my classroom in the future!

What I Still Need to Improve…

For four of my five soaps, I could not get the consistency correct. Personally, I believe this can be a downfall of asynchronous, online learning. We can watch videos over and over and over and over again, but immediate and constant feedback is missing key factor.

My soaps are not awful, and I learned a great deal, but going forward I think I am going to try and make some soap with OUT my aloe Vera. I believe that the pulp and the gel are sometimes hard to perfect. I am also wondering if I can find someone local to meet with over the summer to give me some pointers. Watching a video that says “mix for 3-5 minutes”, I am not sure when to tell to quit, besides mixing for the maximum 5 minutes.

As the weather got warmer, it also got harder to keep my soap and get it to harden. Having a little fridge for just my soaps might be in my future!

Final Thoughts

I am a fairly big advocate for the validity of learning online, but I really believe that there has to be value put into the idea of having synchronous portions. If I was able to just get some feedback from a soap-ster themselves, I think my learning would have been more valid and valuable.

This project has helped me understand the importance doing something I am passionate about in my spare time, and also solidified the idea of having genius hour in my classroom so that students can meet curricular outcomes while learning and documenting my journey. I have found some basic ways to incorporate genius hour or passion projects into my classroom through the use of ELA outcomes.

Final Soap Pour

AH! The end is here! I have poured my final soap of the semester. I am not going to lye (pun intended), the smell of aloe Vera is starting to make me want to vomit! Quite like a pre-assessment and a final assessment, this soap is exactly the same as the soap that I created for my very first attempt seven weeks ago. For my final post, I hope to have a side by side comparison of the visual aesthetics of the two soaps.

This soap is simple, well at least today it was! Now that I have a mojo going, this process does not take me an entire evening anymore! After doing some reading on a Facebook group I joined, I started to realize the “chunks” in my soap are not bad things! Whew! That was something that I was really irritated about, that it seemed like I could never mix the aloe enough to turn it into a smooth gel. This is what they are calling pulp. The irony is that I hate orange juice with pulp so I subconsciously realized why I was so angry about the pulp in my soap!

Check out my process here, and stay tuned for my final reflection post about my soap-tastic adventure!

Summary of Learning

Check out my summary of Learning video!

I used PowToon, to create two videos and merged them with iMovie!

Hi everyone and welcome to my edtc 3oo final summary of learning. 

I started this class with a little bit of different lesne than the average student. I have been working as a remote learning teacher for almost two whole years now with my division. Here is a class picture of me and my remote learning students. 

This course was delivered on my FAVORITE platform Zoom, where I could learn from the comfort of my own home. Contrary to many beliefs, I LOVE learning from home!

Throughout the course, we used Twitter as a way to communicate and share ideas. This was great professional learning network for us and we were even able to aparticapte in Saks ed chat, something that I hope to continue to participate in throughout my education career. I really enjoyed the professional development and the ability to see what others in the province were feeling and thinking about education at the same time as me ! 

This course started off with a whole bunch of essential questions that we would be exploring. First off, I had to find something that I am passionate about and want to learn more about. I knew that I liked plants, and I have this monstrosity of an aloe vera plant, and somehow, some way I had the idea to try and make soap with my aloe vera plant. What a learning experience that was! 

Throughout the semester, I recorded videos for my learning project, learned how to use both iMove and Inshot, spent time almost daily on twitter. I tweeted about resources, and edited videos and I created high quality content for my blog!

The hardest part of the course was creating an e-portfolio in order to post my reflective blogging pieces and to document my learning project. I am not going to lie, creating an online blog was a hard task for me, but it was worth the effort and perseverance I had to collect! Using wordpress, I created Karlee Scott’s Education Learning blog and that’s when the fun started! 

The SAMR mode was very interesting to me and I was able to make many connections with the model. Currently, as a remote learning teacher, I use technology at all four levels of the model, but I can definitely see that there is a time and place for technology in the classroom. For example, read alouds are sooo much better when the teachers and students in a classroom are able to experience it, but this year I have had to do most of my read alouds off of other sources because of the sheer volume in the space I am in. As i move back into the classroom, I hope to navigate and incorporate technology in my classroom that is transformational for my students’ learning! 

When we looked at Ribble nine elements, I was able to make many connections to the grade six curriculum and the nine elements. It was during the learning of the nine elements that I decided and realized the benefit of creating a class blog next year for my students. These nine elements will be the forefront of my teaching in this regard. The curriculum lends itself to these nine elements in so many ways that I hope to integrate them into a variety of subject areas next year.

Shortly after, we started talking abou cybersleuthing. I feel like I have already been a cyber sleuth for many years now and that the FBI should have already scouted me out,but this was also an interesting perspective. It is so important as professionals (even those outside of teaching) to realize what people see about them on the internet. As soon as I see innaportirapte comments or hurtful things on my social media, the first thing I do is cyber sleuth. What could and would happen to a professional if they got caught writing nasty things online? What would I think if I saw my doctor writing inappropriate stuff online? Probably I would switch doctors. I cybersleuthed my sister for our blog posts, and unfortunately came up with no deep dark secrets, contrary to my FBI level skills. 

The final topic of discussion that really sparked my interest was when we talked about fake news. I know that I have people in my life that believe merely everything they see on the internet. Part of the reason that they have these belief systems is because I believe they lack digital fluency. They grew up without technology, and sometimes they do not understand that Buzzfeed, Wikipedia and TikTok have little regulations about what is actually posted on these sites. I think that if we can, again expose students to these opportunities and ideas, they will be informed and able to make their own decisions before spreading misinformation on the internet. 

My key takeaways from this course are based on three ideas, knowledge, relationships and exploration. Students need knowledge to make their own judgments, assumptions about what they see and do on the internet. Second, the more knowledge students have about how to use a variety of social media platforms. Students also need to know how to build effective and appropriate relationships both online and offline. Teaching students build relationships within themselves and with others is the key to a good decision making process. The last key element is exploration. Students need to have the chance to explore new opportunities. They need to learn how to explore social media and they need the chance to explore their own values and ideas about the world. We are entering into a generation of young people that will always have access to information and media at their fingertips. Restricting students access to these will only prolong their opportunities to learn, make mistakes and grow.

Full of Soap-prises

Well, it was the up and up and then it was the down and down. This week I had a serious separation problem, and I do not know why.

Here it is, in all its glory. (or lack there of)

So, I will try again. After doing some research on Tik Tok and Instagram, I have come to the conclusion that I did not mix them enough. Some great accounts that I found were @cuddleswithnature on Instagram, @peaceonpo on Instagram and then I followed @spicymoustache on Instagram and Tik Tok, because he had this video showing how to make soap using aloe and a soap base. That is what I will try for my FINAL project next week, but for this week I am trying my same recipe as last week again. I really feel like it was a fail of a soap, and I believe that I did not mix my ingredients enough before pouring it. I recorded only a few portions of the process because I was a little rushed #teacherlife, but you can check out my post from last week here, and the video on the process below!

Connecting the Broad Areas of Learning to Digital Literacy

For the grace of this post, I have decided to incorporate the broad areas of learning in connection to digital literacy. Throughout my university career, we studied the broad areas of learning multiple times. Just a few short years into my career, I saw them resurface. On the very front of our report cards, we comment and rate something called FASA (Factors Affecting Student Achievement). The broad areas are: building lifelong learners, building a sense of self and community, and finally building engaged citizens. Check out this link to find it, but also check out this quick snapshot from the Saskatchewan Curriculum.

Broad Areas of Learning Grade 6 ELA

If you have been paying attention at all to my posts since the beginning of class, you will know that there are one million connections we can make to these learning areas and digital literacy. You can check out my post here about my connections to the curriculum and Ribble’s nine elements of digital citizenship. I think that digital literacy and digital citizenship go hand in hand when working with young adults and students and developing an understanding of their presence online. I am going to dive into each of the broad areas of learning and connect the curriculum, with supporting evidence from outside, reliable sources!

First off, building lifelong learners literally speaks to digital literacy. Students need to develop the skills and understandings of how to learn with valuable and relevant information. Most of the information we gather as human beings comes in a digital sense. This comes first, with teaching students to look at the world (with a focus online) with a critical pair of glasses. It is getting harder and harder to identity fake news, and as we see here, students are not going to be born with a sixth sense of verifying fake news, it needs to be taught: “we need to be able to apply web-specific knowledge, such as understanding the implicit biases of various news sites or knowing which fact-checking sites are trustworthy.” (Couros, Hildebradt 2018). It is not going to “pop out” like it has for some of us that have grown with the technology, information and misinformation is going to get harder and harder to differentiate, and developing those lifelong learning skills will (hopefully) keep them from believing everything they see, read and hear on the internet.

Second of all, we want students to build a sense of self and community. I personally, can’t imagine a better way to teach a group of 28 sixth graders this than using an online forum and world, which is what I plan on doing next year. Early in the year, we have to develop a solid understanding of where, why, what and how we can get information to share with each other. How can I be sure that this is going to happen? Using the four moves highlighted on this website allows for students to make sure that their information is valid and worthwhile to share with others! Even creating a visual for the classroom would allow for students to develop autonomy in their own critical thinking skills for themselves and their community!

Finally, we are looking to build engaged citizen. Engaged citizens are more likely to share real information, having meaningful ideas and perspectives to share and contribute to a more positive society. Engaged citizens will recognize fake news, fake accounts and attempt to shut these ideas down. Engaged citizens are more likely to overwhelm your feed with REAL news and this is what we want. We want people and students to be active on social media, because as we have learned the more fluent students (or people in general) are with any resource, the more effective and intelligent they will be about their choices regarding the resource. Education and exposure is key.

Students need to create and collaborate in safe, effective online environments that provide them with the most learning and development of critical thinking skills.

Only your sister knows your deep dark secrets, right?

YAY! Lucky me. I get to creep and dig deep into my sister, Kiera as a cyber sleuth. Cyber sleuthing is almost like a hobby to me, but I have never creeped my sister, because I hope that she would let me follow or “friend” me quite quickly after creating an account.

With a quick google search, I have found not much about her. I found this photo of her, as she wrapped up her interning at Arcola Community School. This is always a good sign, she has a great picture of her in a professional environment. I had to be sure to search Kiera Brennan, Regina in order to even find evidence of the REAL Kiera Brennan that I was searching.

What does a social media friend see? First off, her snapchat friends 10/10 know she has a cat named Katniss. This is one difference we have because I am definitely a #dogmom. Her Facebook friends see that she enjoys adventures with her boyfriend, who appears to be off Facebook, and some of her highlighted photos include pictures of her and I at my wedding. She also seems to be affiliated with Sherwood Golf Course in some way, which I know is where she works as a summer job.

Her instagram also boasts of her adventures with her boyfriend, but she has a whopping 9 posts, so that limits what you can learn from her.

Overall, did not find any dirt on my sister, she’s as clean as whistle.

Is Digital Citizenship in the Sask Curriculum?

Right now, I teach young students online. We are in fairly protected environment on Google Classroom, in our fairly safe Google Meet. (Fairly). I have had, at times random names want to join my google meets, and I have always denied them. In saying that, anything is truly possible.

Next year I will be in grade six, and those kids will have all the technology and social media a person can have. They will try to find me on Tiktok, try to find out how many followers I have on Instagram, and they will be googling my name. What will come up? Hopefully I appear as a good digital citizen, but will they?

I am just starting to map out my year next year. I have been browsing through all grades, and I have found MANY opportunities for digital citizenship to be addressed and integrated.

Health Curriculum

First off, and most predictable, outcomes in the health curriculum are yelling with opportunities. First off, USC6.1, USC6.2, USC6.5 and USC6.6 all connect to developing a positive sense of self and others in a a variety of environments. When looking at the online environment, developing health relationships is JUST as important as developing a healthy relationship with family and friends! These outcomes directly tie to four of the nine elements that Mike Ribble discusses. First off, digital communication and collaboration –essentially, how can students actively and appropriately talk and discuss with one another using technology. Second, digital etiquette relates back to the perspectives that students need to know how to interact with students in the online environment, just like they need to on the playground, in extra-curricular activities and in the classroom. Third, is digital fluency. By giving students the opportunities to learn more in the classroom, the more likely they are able to use and question the information that they are receiving and giving on social media. That leads to the final element related to the health curriculum is the rights and responsibilities that students have when using technology as a tool. Finally, the health curriculum has many ties to the idea of digital health and welfare to protect the integrity and well-being of the users on a variety of websites, application and programs.

ELA Curriculum

Starting to look into the ELA curriculum, I started to ponder how some of these elements can leak into and be integrated into the ELA curriculum. First, off, digital law comes to mind, as students typically have to share the sources that support their written work. This connects to outcomes CC6.1 and CC6.4.

When looking at the speaking, listening and reading related outcomes, I think back to the digital etiquette and developing a sense of digital literacy and building a sense of communication and collaboration.

Career Curriculum

Finally, another great connection that I made was through the career education outcomes. All of the career education outcomes, that can be found here can be related to the some of the nine elements. First off, many careers rely on newer generations to have digital literacy. Even further, many careers expect their employees to create a solid and professional digital footprint. Employers (especially now), expect their employees to be able to communicate, collaborate and build within an online environment. Building a sense of privacy and law is also a key stakeholder in many different corporations.

Connecting multiple curriculums together provides students with a more authentic approach. If even more time was spend, creating a plethora of connections, students would be given multiple opportunities to explore and dabble with each of the nine elements. I think that it would even be a worthwhile tool to have the nine elements hung up in our classrooms to be sure that students are aware of and able to explore these elements on a daily basis. I made this small poster to the left to hopefully have up in my classroom some day soon!

I Smell a Comeback — Four Ingredient Aloe Vera Soap

The Four Ingredient Soap from last week

Here we go folks, the comeback soap. My four ingredient Aloe Vera soap went fairly well. I was realizing besides appearance, I had no idea how to actually test my soap. After doing some research, the suggestion is to wait about 3-4 weeks, especially with the aloe being one of the main ingredients. I did some even further research to see what I should do to make sure that it is safe for your skin. I found that testing the pH is the best way. I am going to purchase this pH testing kit, and next week I should be able to test my first soap. Here is where I learned how to test the pH!

My soap should (hopefully) have a pH of around 9-10.

My only disappointment again this week is that even when I mixed the exact measurement and weight of lye solution to the aloe, it still turned red. I was wondering if I was not stirring enough, but when I watched the next video, they even let the two sit together and allow the lye to melt the aloe. One of the first suggestions that I found in my research was that you must freeze the aloe so the lye does not burn the aloe. I feel like this is still somehow happening, even though I am freezing it!

Youtube videos have been the only thing that I have really been able to actually learn the soap making process with. I found another video, which gives me most of the same information this week as the ones from previous weeks. I am hoping that I can add some essential oils to my batch of soap. I am adding a peppermint/cedar smell as suggested in the video. Here is the video I am learning from this week. Unfortunately, she has restrictions on where her video can be posted, so I have to link it for you!

Here is my video of how it is made. I am RUNNING OUT OF ALOE VERA! My poor plant is not producing enough aloe for my project and I want to reserve some of the final stems I have for a few weeks down the road. I might have to buy some aloe Vera next week!

Using Inshot For Video Editing

I am a big fan of iMovie, and I have used iMovie time and time again in the classroom. I felt quite uncomfortable trying something new. I mean, this is exactly what happens in education. Students, teachers and schools all love following status quo! Evidently, Katia is challenging my thinking!

I did some research, and browsed the Apple app store to find a new app that would work well with what I was doing. I also wanted to be sure that a free version of the app was worthwhile and I did not have spend money to learn something new. Another teacher pet peeve I have is when someone tells me about something awesome, and then makes me huck over my own money!

First and foremost, you need to record your video clips for your video that you are creating. Once you have downloaded the app, you can select video, allow access to photos and videos on your device, and select the videos!

Step 1: Choose Video
Step 2: Choose Videos
Step 3: Videos are Uploaded

After you have your videos uploaded, they will be uploaded in the order that you choose from your library. I personally like to crop and clip my videos my actual photos/videos on my phone, but you can also clip and crop in the app. Here, below I have an incredibly long clip of harvesting my aloe and cleaning the table afterwards. It is too long for my choice, so as you can see there are a variety of options to edit this specific clip. I can pre-cut, split, delete, change the volume, add a voice effect, denoise the clip, adjust the speed. Using the split option, you can choose what portion of the video you want to keep. Click and drag the bottom white bar to adjust as seen on the second picture below. The second feature that I like to use is the speed feature, as it shows the same amount of video footage in twice the time! The third picture below is showing the speed option. I like to use double time and this is the max that I can use on iMovie, but Inshot seems to have even more speed options!

Step 4: Splitting the Clips
Step 5: Changing the Speed

I also love to add a little bit of mood setting music to my videos. Very frequently, I am making banging noises, or my husband and dog are making noise while I am filming. So, to do this, I need to silence the videos that I have uploaded, and then add music. Step 6 shows where we can silence our video, using the volume button, and then Step 7 shows how we can choose a new sound for our video. For the final step, I love to add some text to explain what is going on in each clip. Step 8 shows what it looks like to add text to each video, or just once if you prefer!

Step 6: Turning down the volume
Step 7: Adding Music
Step 8: Add text

Be sure to check out how my video turned out on my blog post this week! You can find it here!

Now that you have read through my tutorial, here is a tutorial that I used for my first go around as well!