Author Archives: karleescott

Oatmeal Aloe Vera For my Wounds

Well, it really is only up from here. Last week, my three ingredient aloe vera soap. You can find that blog post here. Here is nice picture of my not-so awesome three ingredient soap!

Three Ingredient Aloe Vera Soap

It did not go as planned, for probably mannnnny reasons. First off, I did not measure a dang thing. Of course, then I realized that I probably should not even try to use the soap. Secondly, it took me 25 minutes to harvest my aloe Vera, and after re-watching the video I posted in the post, I realized everything I did not do. I found a list of troubleshooting ideas about soap making on this link! Another slightly alarming part of this process was the danger and protection needed against the lye ingredient. Simba has always wanted to be an active member of this process. I am wondering if he needs a hazmat suit. Glasses and gloves don’t work for his active lifestyle. My soap is chunky, discoloured and I did not make even close to enough of a recipe. HELLLLLLO ingredients and measuring!

I really enjoyed the creator for my first attempt. It was simple, effective and I even realized that there was a list in the description and how much of each ingredient you should use. Wow, that is a great idea. So this time I am sure that I will measure appropriately!

I felt right from the

beginning that I

was on a better

track than last week.

– Me this week

Even though my three ingredient soap did not go as planned, I thought adding a small and basic fourth ingredient is a step up, but not a steep step. I purchased a small kitchen scale to measure my ingredients. I got it at my local home hardware, but here is a link for a kitchen scale on trusty old Amazon!

I am using the same resource for this soap. I think the issues last week were more of a ME problem and less of the educational resources I was using. Plus, the YouTube author is named “The Aloe Vera Garden”, who could know better than that? Here is the instructional video that I found!

You can check out my process below. I did not show the process of making the aloe vera ice cubes as I showed that last week, but I followed the same process. The harvesting of the aloe was much easier this week with the spoon technique (yes, exactly how the video showed). I felt right from the beginning that I was on a better track than last week. Reading directions and watching videos as I work is the KEY to success! I also added some fun subtitles in my video!

Next week I will update you with my success (or fail) of oatmeal soap. Now, off to find a new recipe to try next week!