Author Archives: RoxAnne Prystupa

Day 14: So This is What it Feels Like to Have Friends

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BeReal has gotten REAL! It seems that word about BeReal is spreading in my community and so is my popularity on BeReal (not really, I only have 9 friends on the app).

The app makes suggestions on friends you can add based on your contacts and I added as many as I could. I also sent the link to download the app to over 40 people now so that may have something to do with its sudden increase in awareness.

To my surprise, I had some requests over the last few days and I was elated when I read the notification that someone was requesting to be MY friend! Really? The notification pops up with the same BeReal tone so I was confused the first time it happened as I had already taken my BeReal snapshots for that day. When I saw that someone was adding me I thought, “Does this mean I’ve gained cool points?”

Something I noticed when a friend added me was the notification to “only accept your real friends”. I feel this is a positive reminder and reinforcement for kids to be safe and only add people they know.

Coolness Update

Days Bein’ Real: 14

Coolness level achieved: 9 friends

New Info - Posting Late

What do you do once you receive the notification to take your BeReal snapshot? You open the app and take your snapshot.

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But what if you post late?

If you post late, you cannot see posts from others until you post your own snapshot. It actually blurs other people’s photos until you upload your photo for the day. You also only get one photo instead of three if you post late. (I did not take a screenshot to protect the privacy of my friend group).

If others post late then you receive a notification once they post.

New Feels and Reveals

I will admit that once my friend count increased I started to feel pretty ‘deadly’. It was more interesting to see what others were doing at that exact moment and some of the funny faces they make. I also engaged in the comment and emoji options recently and it has brought some new excitement to the app. I can see the appeal of the app now that I have others to interact with. Things I made note of:

1) you can exit and retake your photos if you do not like the initial one. You can actually do this repeatedly as long as you upload a photo within the 2-minute timeline. In addition to that, your number of retakes is mentioned to your friend list.

2) I’m enjoying the ease with which I upload a photo. No pressure to find a filter or look impressive in any way, shape, or form. I think that because the expectation is NOTHING on this app, there are no criteria to fulfill. Snap a photo, if you like it, enter it! No stress.

3) Yes, you can leave emojis on your friends’ photos but there is no ‘like’ button. No pressure to fulfill a certain number of likes. You CAN go back to your ‘memories’ and delete your entries (which I like if someone posts something they regret or if you have a child and do not agree with their post). I know that a number of my students over the years have told me that if they do not receive a certain number of likes on a social media app they will rescind their posts - this saddens me. I have read articles where this need or drive for ‘likes’ presents a surge of dopamine and actually creates an addiction - a genuine, authentic addiction to social media. I wonder if the lack of ‘likeability’ prevents or lessens this on BeReal or if the emoji and comment options still provide this influx of hormone release.

I do NOT look like put together during a hefty doom scroll. It’s usually after wrestling my 4-month old to put on a diaper and then trying to be lighter than a feather when leaving his room so I don’t wake him up. 

4) As mentioned in a previous post about this app, I am loving that the app does not suck me into Doom Scrolling. There’s only so much to look at each day. Yes, I understand that having 100 friends on the app would directly affect and increase the amount of time spent scrolling but it isn’t infinite like Instagram or Facebook.

5) This leads me to the next point, the uploads are only available to your friend list for 24 hours, much like other ‘story’ settings on other apps. If your photos are only available for a day then there is nothing to Doom Scroll forever on. Upload, scroll, close, and move on with life.

6) Finally, I was initially nervous when I saw that a friend’s location was shared under her photo. I checked a few other friend’s photos and some had the same information while others did not. I played around with my privacy settings and realized you can have control over that. I was relieved.


14 days - not so stupid

9 friends - makes the app (and me) cooler


Can I get more friends to join?

Can I hide my status or account from students? Your location shows you on other people’s apps as a suggested friend to add from their area. If I just keep my location off will it prevent them from finding and trying to add me?

Stay tuned!

Keep it Real

Twitter, Tweet… Twit?

Twitter. I’m a fan. To be honest, I was a fan years ago but with the development of Instagram, I dropped the Tweeting. I’m also enjoying Tweetdeck. I am using it to follow all the topics I’m blogging about for this class and my personal interests as well. I was hoping to use Feedly to follow Twitter posts and topics but it appears that this option is no longer available.

Twitter seems to still have a strong Educational user-ship and therefore I’ve found it useful. I’m particularly interested in learning more about AI integration into the classroom and teachers using AI so the majority of my feed seems to be reflecting that. I’m also enjoying the educational content discussions that have picked up this week on my, and others’, accounts.

One of my favourite accounts is Alice Keeler (find her website here) and her endless useful content for Edtech. She’s a mom, teacher, and certified Google Innovator. Her content focuses heavily on Google tips and hacks for educators but also includes BookWidgets, AI tools, and student engagement ideas. Her most recent Tweet that I loved was the site of GeoGebra (owned by Google)!

I appreciate that her posts are eye-opening to the endless possibilities of technology. They promote the use of technology in the classroom and, with all of that, her posts are useful and I often find myself saving them for future or immediate use.

Another favourite is TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association) which is pretty apparent from my retweet feed. I enjoy their articles, tools, and recommendations on AI and other modes of technology in the classroom or the general lives of teachers. Yesterday they shared AI tools for teachers to use during grading and May’s top 5 AI tools, which they do every month.

As I’m currently planning new units for my new teaching position I find myself constantly referring back to these saved sites from both TCEA and Alice Keeler and incorporating what I can, where I can. Knowing that I will have limited student-device time I am doing what I can to use it as the educator to engage my students, enlighten them on new technological developments, and educate them on appropriate school usage.

My Future With Twitter

Having installed everything onto my mobile device I can foresee my future heavily including Twitter and Tweetdeck. I’m enjoying having a positive PLN on the app and am finding inspiration in that. In fact, I’m looking forward to better contributing to that community once I’m back in the classroom. Not that I can’t now, but I love sharing ‘in the moment’ experiences and ‘ah-ha moments’.

Knowing that I have a unique approach to teaching (completely flipped model cross-curricular) I am hoping that I can find other like-teachers to share and grow with. I found myself bonding with Thinking Classroom educators but, in the last two years, I have started designing fully cross-curricular units (I also have units that are not, obviously I teach some classes that are not with my homeroom) that are taught through a Communicative Task-Based Learning style (Thinking Classroom).


  • useful content

  • common-minded (and mind-opening) users in my PLN

  • User-friendly

  • I don’t find myself doom scrolling

  • hashtags and tags make it easy to follow topics and find new leads

  • keeps me current on trends in Education and technology

  • minimal ads and useless content


  • another app with a lot of content to scroll

  • a lot of sifting through tags and links to research content

What’s Next?

I am hoping to learn more about AI and build it into my lessons to the point where it becomes second nature to refer to it and use it. I want to educate my learners on how it can be used to their benefit and for the positive. I hope to build a strong, positive learning community that inspires me to grow and continue being a life-long learner.

What is it that you’re hoping for from Twitter?

New Mama Mental Health

I was hospitalized for sepsis after one of our miscarriages - day 4 of 10 in the hospital.

This is when I realized that taking care of me was the only way I could ever have a family and that it needed to be a priority.

Mental health is becoming increasingly discussed by the general public, as it should be. This is a topic that should never be taboo! Through the years of infertility and loss, my husband and I learned a lot about ourselves and one another and how to take of ourselves and one another. We realized what mattered to us, what didn’t, what we wanted and what is meaningful in our lives. We, without realizing it, began taking better care of our mental health.

Having to navigate the ups and downs of infertility and 5 miscarriages took an incredible toll on our lives. Not to mention the PTSD and separation anxiety we experienced once we were pregnant and made it further and further each week. Some friends became disinterested and left, some stood strong for us when we couldn’t, and others stayed around to be nosey. We didn’t care who did what, what mattered was that we were okay and we loved those who were genuinely there by our sides (you can tell the difference between the ones in it for the info and the ones in it for you). I’m not going to lie, I wasn’t happy a lot of the time. I had 5 years of no babies, I had gained 50 pounds, and I had no answers as to why - I was angry. Until one day, I just wasn’t. I decided that there is absolutely nothing I can control and that no doctor was purposely hiding results, no nurse was betting against me, and those that loved us couldn’t help with answers - there was a bigger plan and I had to trust it. And just like that, I did… after 3 straight days of crying.

See, my husband and I were quarantined after exposure to COVID only a short while after we had experienced another loss. Against my better judgement, and the recommendations of everyone else, I refused to take a leave. I didn’t want to sit in my home and be alone, with no babies, and be reminded that I wasn’t going to have a baby. I didn’t want to get “quarantine depression”. Going to work at a school every day kept children in my life and kept me busy - I hadn’t grieved properly. So when I got the call that I had to quarantine, I was terrified.

I woke up the first day and cried… All. Day. Long. Then I did it again the second, and by the third, my lips broke out in fever blisters, my right eye had swollen shut and was red, and I my psoriasis had flared all over my body. I was physically purging my grief. On the fourth day, I awoke and felt like I had no tears left to cry. I finally left my bedroom and focused on my husband. I think a lot of people forget that he lost babies too, not just me. We pulled together and focused on ourselves, together.

It was the fourth day that I decided that I had no control and that I needed to just keep going and trust the plan whether I liked it or not. My life changed at that point. I started to do things for me and for my husband and I didn’t worry about what others thought, what they’d comment, or if they thought it was okay. I was living life for me. I applied to the Masters Program for Education at the University of Regina, we started doing more renovations on our home, and we went about life as we pleased. We even applied to have a billet live with us to bring life into our home and to help support the community.

Three weeks into my first grad class I found out I was pregnant and we now have a perfect little boy.

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Life, as all you parents know, has only become busier but we still take time for mental health (HERE are some great lines if you’re needing options for mental health or new parenting assistance). It is more important than ever. For birthday gifts we as one another what would be relaxing or helpful. We take time to close the blinds and just watch TV and cuddle our baby. We go to the lake and do what we want to do rather than feeling obligated to do what others think we should do. We also let our friends and family help us. We tossed our pride aside and we ask for help. This is the biggest piece of advice that I can give any new parent.



Other people can hold your baby, watch your baby, feed your baby, and put your baby to sleep. It is okay to ask for help and probably best for your mental health.


To complete my graduate studies I need my parents. They watch my son 2-3 days a week so that I can dedicate uninterrupted time to finishing school work and getting ahead as best I can so that I can spend weekends and some evenings with my family and take care of them and my own mental health. I could not do this without them or my husband dedicating his Saturdays to daddying full-time while I’m in class.

What do I do for my mental health?

  • I asked for help with my son so that I can complete schoolwork and run errands

  • I NEED a clean home to not feel anxious so I take time to clean or clean when my son is with his grandparents.

  • I go for walks

  • I do not spend all of my time with my son. This is a hard one. I know it is healthy to have mommy time away from him and I know it teaches him that there are other people that love him and that he can trust. He’s well-socialized and well-exposed to germs now that he is older than a few months of age.

  • I eat healthily. I planned to meal prep while I was still pregnant. In fact, I prepped a bunch of freezer meals so that I could continue to eat healthily and not feel bogged down with cooking once I had my baby - especially in those first 4 weeks when you cry over everything and feel like a crazy person (yes, that’s real). It was the greatest thing I could have done for myself. I also ate EVERYTHING while I was pregnant so that my fetus was exposed to all foods and I could eat nearly anything I wanted once he was born and he could tolerate it in my milk. It has been a lifesaver (EAT SPICY MEXICAN AND INDIAN FOOD WHILE YOU ARE PREGNANT).

  • I decided NOT to exclusively breastfeed. I pump and feed my son so that I can have a drink or spend a night away from him and whomever he’s staying with can still feed him with a bottle.

  • I don’t let myself have mom guilt. I know that I am doing everything in my power to be an incredible mama to my little boy and nobody is going to make me feel bad about the choices I’m making because I know that I’m making them for my son and my family.

  • Finally, we take our son everywhere. We don’t listen to when people say, “you can’t do that with a kid”. Absolutely we can! There are people that hike mountains and travel the world with babies, we can do stuff too! Find ways to make your children a part of your routine. Share your passions with them. Let them sleep in the carseat, on your chest (don’t listen to people saying you’re hand spoiling them, research has disproved it - IT IS NOT TRUE), or under a table at a wedding. They’ll be fine.

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So when it comes to mental health it can take many forms and I do what works for me and my family. I choose to be a powerful mama who will show my son that a person can do anything they put their mind to if they just trust the plan and work hard. It took us 5 years to have this wonderful blessing of a baby boy and if I don’t take care of myself, I won’t be around to take care of him.

This is a GREAT read for those who want to read more about taking care of yourself as a new parent.

Tips for new dads

A healthy, happy mama (and dad) means a healthier, happier baby.

Take care of yourself.

The Jist of the Jolly Jumper

Invented by a Canadian Indigenous woman by the name of Olivia Poole, the Jolly Jumper has been around since the early 1900s. Its design came from women needing a way to take care of and entertain their children while also being productive. I could thank this woman daily for her ingenuity and brilliance.

Like other toys and baby mechanisms, the Jolly Jumper has age limits and recommended-use guidelines. Until Kolter was 10 weeks old I had not done any reading about our Jolly Jumper and had yet to open the box. I did notice, however, that my son was beginning to sit with his head up for as long as he wished and even began standing up when we would do our pull-to-sit exercises with him. He was becoming restless by 11 weeks and so I started looking into using our Jolly Jumper. The age recommendation states that babies should be 3 months old AND can hold their heads up independently with full neck support. See more FAQs here. Kolter fulfilled both these requirements and so, the following weekend, we decided to give the jumper a try.

Some kids take time to get used to being suspended or being able to see things upright. Some don’t enjoy the jumper and even cry while in it due to discomfort (this is rare) or not liking to jump. Kolter was neither of these.

We placed him in the jumper and sat back to see his reaction. We want him to explore the world at his own pace and try not to influence his thoughts or decisions - yes, you can tell if you’re influencing them or not at a few months old. We didn’t want to make the bouncing motion, we wanted to see if he would initiate it on his own. He did and within literal seconds of being in it.

After a minute or two he was smiling, bouncing away, and even letting out a giggle or two. Our hearts fluttered seeing him so happy. We took a quick video and shared it with some friends and family. My husband’s phone rang and we were immediately met with backlash that he’s too long, he’s going to be sore, we better not leave him in there too long, don’t leave him unattended, he’s going to hurt himself being that young in there. Our hearts were crushed. I knew he was fine. I knew my baby better than anyone and he was happy and safe. There is no way we were going to leave him alone in it or let anything hurt him - we’re not stupid. I was initially upset but soon told my husband I didn’t care what others were saying because I knew he was fine and I knew I was a good mama.

My parents were so excited to see him in the jumper and asked for pictures almost daily. In fact, they even went out and bought one so they could see him in one when he stayed at their place. I was relieved. My parents were also believers in doing what you know is best and not letting others dictate your decisions. This is likely why I strongly advocate raising my son the same way.

After just a few weeks, and me telling others they were outright wrong about my son being too young for the Jolly Jumper, things calmed down and everyone could see how much he loved it and how strong he was getting from using it. One thought was crossing my mind though… how long is too long to be in the Jolly Jumper?

Different manufacturers hold different opinions on safe time limits in the jumper. Some say 20 minutes, twice and day while others say 15 minutes. But why so short? Kolter could sometimes jump for up to 45-50 minutes and yell at you if you tried to take him out earlier. Turns out, hip dysplasia is a condition that can be caused by babies being placed into carriers, exersaucers, and Jolly Jumpers for too long, causing their hips to be misshaped. It is also said to impede on the natural development of crawling and walking. Honestly, my mother said I lived in my Jolly Jumper and I’m completely fine. I know that someone has to be the statistic and I believe in doing your research, but I also believe that if someone falls into a pond because they’re playing Pokemon Go it should not be ban from the world because of one person’s stupidity or lack of awareness. So I consulted a friend who is a physiotherapist, we’ll call him Dan. Dan said that there are cases where babies develop hip issues due to being in these types of devices for long periods of time but, from his understanding and research, these long periods of time are 4+ hours a day, every day because parents use it as a parenting tool or leave children unattended and let them sleep in them. I plan to do none of the above. Dan suggests letting your child tell you when they’re finished but that 45-60 minutes at a time, no more than twice a day is fine and that he has never encountered such issues on that type of timeline. He also says that manufacturers need to “cover their butts” so they will always print the minimum time. I’m going with this recommendation.


We let Kolt jump to his satisfaction which typically lasts around 40-50 minutes and his times are usually once in the early afternoon and once in the late evening before his final feed and then sleep. He tells us if he wants to get out and sometimes it is as short at 10 minutes. We never leave him unattended and his last check-up (this week) the pediatrician said he looked to be very strong and that nothing was out of place or functioning improperly. We’re pleased to announce we’re not horrible parents.

Stay tuned for more jumping and other adventures.

Day 10 – Coolness?

Well, day ten has brought a new perspective to the app. I hounded 40+ friends to download the app and I was successful at getting 5 to do so. I will say that the notification chime is slightly less “triggering” and more intriguing at this point. Having friends post at the same time is exciting. You can see what people are genuinely up to and reply with emojis (which are made with your own face) or comments.

My newest appeal to the app is that I know there is nothing to see unless the app has notified my friend group to post at that moment or it notifies me that a friend posted late so I am not spending countless amounts of time on the app. It notifies and I post, I check to see who else posted, then I move on.

I ran into some old students at this week’s district track event and they found it humourous that I had BeReal. I assured them I had nothing exciting to ever post or share. I asked what the appeal was for them and only a handful admitted to using it but they said they did the same, quickly posted, scrolled, and closed it. I supposed I like that they’re not addicted to another app that generates endless screen time.

Does anyone have experience with kids or students using or talking about the app?

Days 2-7: I’m Uncool

Well, well, well, days two through seven of using BeReal have not resulted in much success as I have swiftly realized that I am vastly uncool and unmatched for such an app. Yes, it is true that I was already aware that I am uncool (I tell my students this all the time) but I was not aware that I could no longer use all forms of social media to their full potential due to my low-level-popularity status on the newest apps.

I am now aware.

My friend list consists of 5 people now, thanks to Kara adding me while also on her BeReal journey. Surprisingly, more of my friends are not on the app since the majority of downloaders are said to be millennials and Genz age. I may do some posting and friend phishing to increase my app activity. How do I know I’m still wildly unpopular? My notifications and feed are bare with the exception of just 2-3 people updating their posts. This lets me know that I don’t have many friends or followers because an interesting feature of the app, and its main attraction, allegedly, is that a friends list is notified at the same time to “be real” so not only will you update your current whereabouts but so will your friends so you can all see what you’re doing at the same time (if nobody is late posting). Click here to read more about it.

Following the initial day, I received the daily notification to “be real” and have not yet been tardy on my posts again. Being on maternity leave warrants me enough free opportunities throughout the day to snap photos on time (when the notification arrives). They are usually of my son or my laptop (or both). I’m still getting blurry shots because it takes the app a few seconds to register the photo and if you move at all the photo is blurry - I have a 50%+ STAT of blurry photos. I’m working on it.

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This week I decided to spend some time discovering more about the app both organically and online. I realized I can comment and react with emojis to others’ posts. I have yet to receive one - again, I’m very uncool on the app - also off the app. I also realized that my photos are stored within the app and I can review them at any time. I have yet to decide if I’m comfortable with this feature but I suppose it really isn’t much different than any other app with my photos uploaded to it.

CHAT - apparently this is a feature on the app but I have yet to discover it - likely because I have nearly nobody to chat with - again… uncool. I’m wondering if this app feature is modelled after SnapChat (instant photos and chatting - hmmm)?

I had hoped that this weekend of camping would bring some exciting content to my feed and even proof that I have friends, but, of course, the app never notified me while I was near other humans. I think it targets certain users and makes them appear lonely - I’m this user.

After some research, I see the promise behind the idea of the app. The creator wanted an app that connected friends and family through unfiltered, unposed, real-life moments and shows reality versus a constant montage of edited unrealities. The app is a fight against everything we are trying to reverse in the world of social media influence right now: fake news, comparisons, self-image issues, etc. Knowing the thought behind its creation, I find it less ‘stupid’ and more… hopeful? I have now sent the invite link to over 20 friends and hope that 2 or 3 pick it up!

Cons of the app include no parenting control, easy connection with unknown users, and people knowing your whereabouts. Which is greater? The pros or the cons? I’ll have more feedback and thoughts on this later this week!

P.S. I’m still not finding the “world-wide” feed entertaining. I’m not interested unless I know the people.

Stay tuned for more uncool posts.

Camping With a Baby

Well, we survived! Camping with a baby turned out to be far less treacherous than I had anticipated. In fact, it went better than I could have imagined. I think my anxiety crept up because of all the unknowns and I felt that I hadn’t really prepared for the weekend in the midst of all the busy-ness we have going on in our lives right now, seeding, university, a newborn, etc. In the end, we are thankful it was an overcast weekend - wow, how your camping wishes change when you have kids.

The Drive

One downfall to our weekends is an aspect that I used to actually love - the long drives. There is nothing I love more than a Friday after-work drive in the countryside with my husband. It is peaceful, beautiful, and there are no distractions, unlike a long day of teaching. However, this time of year warrants large tractors, air seeders, and semis on the gravel roads and it causes them to become washboard-like or bare of actual gravel and replaced with boulders and potholes. These types of road conditions are less than desirable for anyone let alone a newborn’s tummy - cue the colic. We had discovered that Kolter became colicky from long car sides when he was just a month old.

Our little guy already struggles with some reflux (minor symptoms listed on this site) and colic issues. Kolt’s reaction is minor in comparison to what I’ve heard others experience - he just whimpers and fusses and needs to be sat upright and burped or needs to toot. Bumpy roads do not add anything valuable to those issues. Luckily, he sleeps when we are in motion whether it be in a vehicle, stroller, or grocery cart.

Setting Up

Once we arrived at the lake, and Kolter awoke, we had not anticipated what to do with him while we unpacked both vehicles (the initial camping trip of the season usually demands a haul that includes both our vehicles). We had been quite successful so far in our first few months with him when it came to being organized and on time for things. We agreed early on that we would both make a conscious effort to prepare for outings earlier so we weren’t the people who were always “late because of our kids” (we both despise being late). We knew that it wouldn’t always work but we were going to make the effort to try our hardest. Friday was one of those situations you just can’t predict and it ended up taking us 3 hours to get the camper set up, unpacked, and organized in comparison to previous years’ 1 hour. Kolt wasn’t fussy during that time but we had to make room for his travel bassinet, changing supplies, clothing, towels, cloths, hats, bottle station, etc. We also had to feed him during that time, change him, and there were moments he needed some settling. Thankfully, we had friends wanting some Kolter snuggles while we unpacked and organized. In fact, I purged a lot of unneeded items from our camper and completely reorganized our items to create a better functioning system for camping with a baby. I love efficiency and organization.

The Fire Ban Scenario

That first afternoon and evening included all the organizing, saying hello to our lake family, and making sure we had what we needed for our first night with Kolter at the lake. Unfortunately, there was a fire ban but thankfully we had our propane firepit. Of course, numerous people end up with “fire envy” and feel the need to stop and scold you for having a fire and being inconsiderate during a fire ban - the look on their faces when you inform them of the actual fire status is enough to bring you satisfaction that you don’t need to humiliate them further. It happens every year and those that don’t have the courage to stop and tell us we’re horrible people just call the park office and “report us”, by which point, due to repeated experience, we have already called ahead to let them know our site number and that we, in fact, know there is a fire ban and are having a propane fire and they are welcome to inspect it if they please.

A Surprise

We knew our first night would not be a late one, in contrast to previous years. We had become used to going to bed at 9 pm and we wanted to be prepared for anything Kolt was going to throw at us in the middle of the night in a new place. To our surprise, all the fresh air caused Kolter to sleep 9 straight hours the first night at the lake. I put him to bed at his typical 9:30 pm and he did not wake until 6:20 am. At first, I thought perhaps my husband had gotten up to feed him a bottle at his usual 3:30 am feeding time but it was clear my husband had not moved from his place of slumber, nor were there any dirty bottles or signs that a bottle had been prepped for consumption. We were in disbelief and also WELL rested. No complaints here!

Kolter watching Moana in the camper for the first of MANY times.

As we guessed, getting up and going in the morning took a bit longer with Kolt. On the other hand, life without a child meant we normally never woke up before 9 am or surfaced from our camper until 10 am and we now had a headstart with our 7 am wake-up call from the bassinet. We realize that we are very fortunate to have a child that is content and calm. I attempted to have an incredibly calm pregnancy because I had heard and read (many Eastern cultures believe this) that those hormone levels could be transferred to the fetus. Whether or not this is true is up for debate but, in my case, it seems to have worked. We usually begin the day with one of us changing him and then bringing him to bed with us for some morning cuddles and then we all get up for the day together. My husband is a HUGE Moana fan (he’s a 5-year-old trapped in a 35-year-old’s body) so he put it on the TV in the living room of the camper for Kolter while we washed up, got dressed, and organized ourselves for the day ahead. Kolt also seems to love Moana (thankfully because the DVD is stuck in our player in the camper).

Jump for Success

Each day and night proceeded in the same way as the initial one. We are proud to announce that our little baby bear loves camping as much as we do so far. I took notes from some of the articles I shared in my previous camping post and packed some of Kolt’s favourite items. We knew we needed to bring the Jolly Jumper and were so thankful that we did. (I will have another post about the Jolly Jumper later this week when I have time for a bit more research).

Kolt loved being outside with so much to see and all the new sounds! We went for walks and explored everything we could, though he slept most of the time because a stroller in motion means he was asleep.

In the coming weekends, we will be building stairs and a deck for our site to make things safer and easier with a child. We cannot wait until the weather is warm enough to take him for swims and beach days!

Stay tuned for more adventures and lessons with Kolt!

It’s an Avocado… Thaaanksss

This week started with my first official Mother’s Day as a mama. It began with brunch with all the women I’m closest to in my family (and my son- who dressed up for the occasion), followed by drinks and snacks on the patio at my house, and then a feast for all of us, cooked by my wonderful husband. The sun was shining, there was no wind (I have a loathing for wind) and we enjoyed one another’s company.

This was the day we also decided to have Kolter begin solid foods. If you haven’t seen the “An Avocado” Youtube video then you’re missing out on the humour of my title so I’ll link it for you HERE. The back story is that Jimmy Fallon challenged parents to give their children random home items for Christmas and film their reactions. This child was nothing but thankful for his avocado.

Back to our avocado! As my last post indicates, I have been consulting medical professionals and lactation specialists for weeks prior to this introduction of solid foods. I scoured the International Breastfeeding Centre website that was sent to me by Naida Hawkins, our province’s leading breastfeeding specialist and researcher, and found that some babies need solids even as early as three months if their hunger or nutrients is not satiated by their milk intake. If you’re not familiar with why we are considering solids earlier than 6 months you can read those details here. I have no desire to stop feeding my baby my milk but we have discovered he needs supplementation.


During all of this, I learned a lot of interesting facts about breastfeeding your child including:

1) Your milk will adjust to your child’s needs. If you are directly contact-feeding your baby OR you wipe their saliva onto your nipples then your body will read their saliva and adjust your milk to their dietary and immune needs, this is called salivary amylase. This can adjust when your baby has a growth spurt, is sick, has been exposed to toxins, etc.

2) Power pumping. I tried this. It slightly increased my milk supply but not enough to keep up with my baby’s needs. Because Kolter was showing hunger signs more frequently we assumed that he was perhaps cluster-feeding and so I attempted to power pump and direct-contact feed him to satiate him. This did help but not completely.

3) Follow your “mommy gut”. I could see that Kolter would watch us prepare food, drool when we were eating, stare at us while we ate, and even tried to reach for our items at times. I started looking up whether there were actual signs to watch for and, sure enough, those were the signs.


Now for the food introduction.

My husband bought this brand new baby bullet (STILL IN THE PACKAGING) at a garage sale last week! SCORE!

We consulted a few sites and our specialist about what to introduce first as we had heard that pablum (ground baby cereal) was a great place to start. She recommended that if Kolter was ready to eat solids that giving babies actual food is far better, nutrients-wise, than pablum. As a nutritionist, I loved that. Foods that are nutrient-dense, sweeter, and high in natural fats and sugars were recommended to start with; avocado, bananas, and sweet potato. Each of these is also of a smooth consistency that can easily be pureed and mashed to avoid choking hazards.

Guess which one we chose?

I placed the avocado into the baby bullet and added some breast milk to loosen the consistency. I had read this during one of my 3 am pumping occasions and pinned it to recall it when my brain was too tired to retrieve the information from the back of my “mom-brain”.

My husband and I sat down with Kolter and fed him the first bite…

He was confused and unsure of what to do.

After 2 or 3 seconds and moving the mush around in his mouth he stopped completely and looked at me. I could see he was processing.

He began to enjoy it.

He ate approximately 1/4 of a cup of avocado without any issues, minimal spitting out, and made yummy grumbling noises the entire time.

He would reach forward for the spoon and devour what was on it each time I gave him a tiny bit more.

I was relieved that our instincts were right and that he was ready for this next step.


  • Follow your instincts

  • Consult multiple resources as there is so much information and much of it conflicts.

  • Start slow and don’t stress about it.

  • Our son, unlike his father, LOVES avocado.


There is research stating that babies should stick to one type of food for 2-3 days without the introduction of any others to ensure you can accurately monitor their response to each one. I stored the remaining pureed avocado in the Baby Bullet (linked is the updated version of ours) storage containers so that we could use the rest over the remainder of this week.

Next, we hope to try sweet potato as it offers many nutritional benefits such as vitamin C for immunity boosting, vitamin A for eye and skin development, iron, complex carbohydrates, and a sweet taste to increase the likelihood of success!

Finally, I have begun researching babies and being picky eaters. It seems that the more that is safely, and repeatedly introduced between the ages of 4 months and 1 year the more likely the child is to not be a picky eater. I am not yet comfortable linking information on this yet as I haven’t found sources I feel are credible and/or consistent yet but that is yet to come!


  • 4 MONTH IMMUNIZATIONS (what I’ve learned from the 2-month ones)



May Long: Mommy-Style

Friday 27 degrees. Saturday 26 degrees. Sunday 22 degrees. Monday 23 degrees.

These are the heat projections for May Long’s weather. How am I going to take our 4-month-old baby camping in that kind of heat? How are we going to do it in July when temperatures can reach nearly 40 degrees where we live?

Cue Google-mom.

Taking your baby camping is a huge ordeal if you make it to be. Some people say it can’t be done. Some say children shouldn’t change what you like to do. Some avoid the controversial topic.

Where & Who

My husband and I have a season camping site at Meeting Lake Regional Park. It is close to his family farm and small enough that we don’t feel overwhelmed by the amount of people there. Having a seasonal makes camping with a little one easier in the sense that we can leave items there instead of hauling everything back and forth every weekend. We can pick up and leave any time because we don’t need to move our camper every time so if things are going well I don’t feel pressured to stay and we can just come home.

However, I do like to be prepared. Anticipating that we cannot just sit around campfires and hang out in the sunshine anymore I decided I should do some reading to learn some great tips about having a newborn at the lake. In addition to the research, we have our “lake family” who have all camped with babies and small children so their expertise will be very beneficial. We are also aware that they will want to help and often hold or play with Kolter as much as possible so it will help alleviate some stress.

What to Consider

The first point I needed to consider was food. Kolter has just started being introduced to solid foods but I’m not sure I want to worry about packing him all kinds of things to try when we’re 45 minutes from the nearest medical center in case he happens to choke for the first time or react poorly to something new. Thus, I’ve decided to only pack frozen breastmilk, my pump for fresh milk, and some pre-pureed food he’s already tried (a minimal amount just as a backup).

The second factor is the weather. This affects everything, can he be outside, what shall he wear, can he be around campfires, is it too cold in the evening, will the A/C in the camper bother him? I decided I can’t predict everything so finding some tips is a great way to start and I could work my way through it from there. REI Co-op had some great tips for camping with a baby. I enjoyed that their suggestions were realistic and simple:

  • Keep the meals simple (done)

  • Dress baby in layers

  • Protection from sun and bugs

  • Use a portable play crib

  • Bring some favourites from home

Dressing Kolter in layers was something I had anticipated (as adults do the same) so this week I went to an outlet liquidation store and picked up some inexpensive sweaters, sweats, shoes, shorts, hats, and warm onesies for him. They’re currently in the wash so I can pack them away for the weekend and keep them in the camper. I also have some camping blankets especially for him that his aunty made that will also be for the lake.

Sun & Bugs

Protecting him from the sun and bugs was something I was worrying about but my mother reminded me that she and my dad used to take me camping when I was a baby and they put me in a playpen with a sheet overtop. This kept me in the shade and the bugs out. This suggestion works while he’s settled or napping but what about when he wants to jump in his Jolly jumper or roll around? A few sites I found had recommendations to avoid being outside during the hottest part of the day and to keep babies in loose, thin clothing or UV-protectant clothing. The website also has recommendations for children in the sun.

I recently purchased a Honeysuckle Swim bodysuit for Kolter and I’m hoping this is something that will keep him cool and protect him if he ends up in any sunshine. The suits are designed to be high-visibility print and have an SPF of 50+. They also carry sizes from newborn to adult and accessories like hats as well.

click to see there site

We have a portable playpen so we don’t need to worry about that. Although I’m sure there are some families with really fancy ones like THESE but ours is a normal Graco pack’n’play and I will throw a sheet on top.

We also have a travel bassinet for the camper, extra play mats and a small baby pool with a seat and umbrella in case he needs to cool down. Now all we need to do is get our act together and get organized for our first camping trip of the year and our very first camping trip with a baby!

Wish us luck!

Day One: This is Stupid

What is BeReal? This was my first thought when someone in my EC&I 831 class typed it into the class chat. I had never heard of it, granted, I’ve been on medical and maternity leave now for 6 months and it’s my students that typically keep me “cool” and in the loop on the latest developments. They also feel the need to tell me when fashion trends change and if I need to update my look… because they care?

Our latest Networked Learning Task is to dive into learning a new social media tool so I decided to jump right in. No pre-reading on how to use it or what to do. All I read was that users are sent a notification each day at a random time and they have 2 minutes to snap a photo or video of what they’re doing in REAL time. So, there will not be a lot of links in this initial post as I’m discovering it organically today. Links will be provided in future posts after further use and research.

click the photo to check out their app

My initial thought: this sounds stupid.

My secondary thought: let’s give it an opportunity to prove me wrong.

I downloaded the app. Registered for an account. Synced my contacts to my friends list (turns out my circle hasn’t quite picked up the trend yet so my friend list is 4 people long thus far), and waited for my first instruction.

It asked me to take a snapshot of my surroundings and then once I was done it told me to smile and not move. This resulted in an incredibly unflattering photo of myself. All the while there’s a clock counting down the 2 minutes. I’ve never felt such pressure before from a social app!

Turns out I thought that was it and forgot to hit the final button to share that snapshot and it resulted in me being “late” and not uploading within the 2-minute time frame. For this, I was penalized my second opportunity to BeReal that day. If you make it in time you’re allotted a second chance to BeReal within the same 24 hours. So, on my first day of using the new BeReal app… I was tardy and consequences were handed out.

My thoughts after the initial utilization of the app: this is stupid.

50 minutes later, my phone pinged with a BeReal notification and my body surged with intrigue! Had the app changed its mind and I was being given a second opportunity?


A friend had uploaded her snapshot of being in her car with 2 friends.

My thoughts: umm… cool. This is stupid.

Now what? Then I noticed the “Discovery” option at the top.


A bunch of random people from around the world who have the app and their daily uploads.


So, in conclusion to day one of using BeReal:

  • I’m not cool enough to know people who are using it. You can find me on it as Kolt’s mom.

  • I’m bored with the app. It seems to attract mundane and useless contact much like the beginning wall posts in the early days of Facebook.

  • So, it’s like worldwide Snapchat?

  • Is it safe? Is this a way for people to see where you are and what you’re doing at any point in the day? Have we not learned our lesson from the Bling Ring crimes?