Author Archives: Brayden Ursaki

EC&I 831 Major Project: Planting a Garden and Keeping it Alive

The timing of this course, and the major project focus of blogging about personal learning, is quite timely. It’s this time of year that my wife and her grandmother begin their process of planting a garden in our backyard. I have to admit that my prior involvement in the garden is very minimal: I run the rototiller early on, and do some hauling of soil, compost, and such, but have otherwise been uninvolved. For context, we purchased our home from my wife’s grandmother, and she and her late husband had maintained a garden during their time in the home. When we moved in, my wife continued the garden with her grandmother, and this was an important bonding activity for them that I generally stayed out of.

Not this year. The physical rigour of building and maintaining a garden is enough that my wife’s grandmother is unable to continue the tradition. So, I’ll step in. There’s lots to be done with the process of the garden. Much of my knowledge-building will naturally come from my wife’s experience, but I will supplement the process with all sorts of resources and references that will help explain the rationale behind how we build and maintain the garden.

My goal, in this process, is to articulate all aspects of the gardening experience, ranging from material choices, to the layout, and the activities involved. As long as the garden survives and is yielding produce, I’ll count this as a success!

The Social Media Ghost Comes Out of the Woodwork

My history with social media has reached both extremes of the usage spectrum. I recall first accessing Facebook sometime in Grade 10, 2008/09. What followed was a time period of posting inane status updates, usually following the pattern of “Brayden Ursaki is feeling __________”, which I believe was the default prompt at the time. Beyond high school, my social media usage completely flipped. I began to use it for consumption purposes almost exclusively, only posting periodically, and certainly NOT anything to do with status updates. Today, I don’t post anything at all… anything that involves me, my wife posts and tags me in.

Other social media sites have held my attention just briefly. I created an Instagram account and abandoned it shortly thereafter, not quite seeing the relevance of it compared to Facebook at the time. Snapchat was a nifty tool for a time, but it, too, ended up being abandoned. I discovered Reddit sometime in university, but have used it exclusively for viewing conversations and discussions.

Twitter is the only other social media tool I have maintained some form of evident activity. I’ve made some posts related to promoting activities going on in my classroom, as well as made use of likes, bookmarks, and retweets. It’s Twitter that I use as a teacher tool, finding a plethora of strategies, ideas, and resources.

In case it isn’t apparent by this point, I’m something of a social media ghost, or Roz from Monsters, Inc.: always watching. Thus, the requirements of this course, to actively use social media consistently, will be a bit of a refresher. I’ll just make sure to keep the inane posts to a minimum.