My Relationship with social media is the same as most relationships, there are things that I love about it and then there are things about it that I wish were different. There are moments were I think
social media is supportive, enjoyable, knowledgeable but then it can be insincere, co-dependant, addictive, tiresome, or just plain old judgy.
Social Media & Me
Personal Pros:
- I can see all the opportunities other people are experiencing through their posts
- I can showcase experiences I am having
- It keeps my pictures! This is huge for me, I no longer need to print them out I can just have them easily accessible, and organized. No clutter in my house
- Can see memories
- Can communicate with others
Personal Cons:
- Time consuming
- Mindless- takes me away from the things that I need to be doing
- I compare my life to others; I see what others are experiencing or doing and think “Ah I wish I could do that” or ” I should do that with my family”, it always leaves me feeling worse about myself if I am being honest
- Creates anxiety
- Addictive
Professional Pros:
- Communicate easily with parents/colleagues
- Use less paper (online agenda)
- Access to enrichment activities
- Able to send/share multiple documents
- View professional material
- PD opportunities
- Access to responding to emails anywhere is helpful
Professional Cons:
- Parents ignore the boundaries set out for our online agenda
- I feel obligated to reply to emails, parent messages on Remind right away
- Added pressure we I see other teachers posting about their awesome lessons
- Not as fluent as other teachers in technology so I feel less than in that area
- Anxiety
There you have it folks, thanks for stopping in!