Category Archives: EC&I 831 Social Media & Open Education

It’s Hot and It’s Cold, I’m In Then I’m Out, It’s Black and It’s White, We Fight, We Break Up, We Kiss, We Make Up

My Relationship with social media is the same as most relationships, there are things that I love about it and then there are things about it that I wish were different. There are moments were I think

social media is supportive, enjoyable, knowledgeable but then it can be insincere, co-dependant, addictive, tiresome, or just plain old judgy.

Social Media & Me

Personal Pros:

  • I can see all the opportunities other people are experiencing through their posts
  • I can showcase  experiences I am having
  •  It keeps my pictures! This is huge for me, I no longer need to print them out I can just have them easily accessible, and organized. No clutter in my house
  • Can see memories
  • Can communicate with others

Personal Cons:

  • Time consuming
  • Mindless- takes me away from the things that I need to be doing
  • I compare my life to others; I see what others are experiencing or doing and think “Ah I wish I could do that” or ” I should do that with my family”, it always leaves me feeling worse about myself if I am being honest
  • Creates anxiety
  • Addictive

Professional Pros:

  • Communicate easily with parents/colleagues
  • Use less paper (online agenda)
  • Access to enrichment activities
  • Able to send/share multiple documents
  • View professional material
  • PD opportunities
  • Access to responding to emails anywhere is helpful

Professional Cons:

  • Parents ignore the boundaries set out for our online agenda
  • I feel obligated to reply to emails, parent messages on Remind right away
  • Added pressure we I see other teachers posting about their awesome lessons
  • Not as fluent as other teachers in technology so I feel less than in that area
  • Anxiety

There you have it folks, thanks for stopping in!

I Didn’t Come Here to Party, I Didn’t Come Here to Stay… I Only Came For the Cake

I have always wanted to learn how to decorate cakes and make them “nice”, I have played around with different ideas but never really took the time to really learn what I was doing; I just “winged” it, watched bake offs on tv, or looked up on google ideas. I started wanting to learn how to make cakes when my daughter was born for her birthdays. Below is one cake I have made in the past but never took the time to make an effort to learn what I was doing. Don’t be deceived I truly do not know what I am doing…

So here are my ideas for my major learning project:

  1. I need to discover what kind of cake is the best to bake for decorating
  2. Research and then purchase supplies and decorating tools needed
  3. Research types of icing that is best for decorating and how to add flavours to icing (buttercream, royal icing, gaunche, etc) and then learn how to make them so they are the right consistency for what I need to do
  4. Practice piping techniques before applying to cakes
  5. Learn to add piping techniques onto a cake
  6. Research other decorating additions (fruit, sprinkles, fondant, etc.)